Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Candidates seek commission seats

Dan Cothren

Voters will elect two people to the Wahkiakum County Board of Commissioners this year. In Commissioner District 1, Incumbent Mike Backman, Independent, faces challenger Greg Prestegard, Democrat. In Commissioner District 2, incumbent Dan L. Cothren, Independent, faces a challenge from Robert L. Jungers, who stated no party precedent.

Eagle reporter Diana Zimmerman has conducted question and answer interviews with the four candidates. They appear here.

Eagle: Why are you running for this position?

Cothren: I think I've made a difference in the county. I want to continue to do that. I have some things I'd like to finish up especially with timber and getting the county solvent again. I'd like to make sure the folks on the island get something done about the erosion in a way that is going to be continual and not short lived. I would love to see sand get there. I want to make sure we stay as rural as we can. I like this setting here, I grew up with it. I think Wahkiakum County has a lot to offer and has done a lot for me. I'd like to see my kids be able to come back here. A lot of them would like to.

When I ran I thought I could make a difference and I feel that I have. Being a timber chair for the Washington State Association of Counties for this many years says something in itself. I know that a lot of folks from other counties look up to me for this timber stuff. I enjoy doing it too because it is something I'm well rehearsed in. I see some things that shouldn't be but with the environmental rules and the different agencies involved you are bucking a big system. You've got to pick your battles. When I first came in I wanted to take these lands back for the county. I still would like to but there's no avenue to do that. We're stuck with what we have and we've got to salvage what we can.

I don't see a big enterprise coming in here but perhaps there could be a small business that could do things over the internet. Tourism? We aren't the destination. Long Beach is the destination. We do get some fishing folks stop in, but it's pretty limited. Another big issue is Fish and Wildlife, there are some good people in it but sometimes I think they have the wrong vision. You have to be outspoken and very loud because if you aren't you are going to get run over. I still feel that I've got things I can get done.


Cothren: It was a big learning curve when I started in 2000. I think for about a year I listened and got on a few things. I read a lot. I pick up a lot about what is going on with different things and pick it up pretty fast. If I don't know something, I go ask. I don't claim to know everything, even on timber. It's a changing thing. But I know a lot and to be able to share that with the county and have a vision on how this county can prosper. It's rich in resources and we need to utilize those resources to stay on top. I feel that I have a lot of experience.

What do you hope to achieve if re-elected?

Cothren: First thing, getting the county solvent on their timber revenues.That one I feel I can accomplish. The next one is maybe keeping Ecology at bay. The shoreline thing is going to be a hot issue. Anyway, looking forward to that. If I left before that, I feel like there would be a big void in my life, what I could have done for Wahkiakum county.

What is your vision for Wahkiakum County?

Cothren: Self efficient. Where we don't have to go to the state every year and ask for money. We have the resources to get where we need to be. We're hampered. We need to build our timber base, that's the bottom line. We're looking at it differently. When investment firms come in, it makes it very tough to purchase timber lands. We have to increase our timber lands or we're not going to make it. With the vision I have and the things I've been working on for probably two years with this land exchange we can get there.


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