Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Wooden Boat Festival offers lots to see and do

It was busy on Saturday at the Elochoman Slough Marina.

Around noon, the Coast Guard put on a performance for spectators, including the owners of a boat that ran aground on a sand bar.

They were fine, someone later said of the boat owners. They'd taken advantage of the incident to clean the bottom of their boat.

Leanne Jacob, second-in-command at the marina, had been on her feet for several hours by the time lunch time rolled around.

The parking lot was packed at 1 p.m., but not has badly as it had been in the morning hours when recreational fishermen were out on the river trying to get their catch, according to Jacob.

A few wooden boats lined one dock in the marina for the Wooden Boat Show and a steady stream of people came and went, checking out the tugboat, the motorboat and more.

Under a tent nearby, people were signing up for the rubber ducky race which began at 2 p.m. A few people took part in the blind dinghy races and others checked out the vendors that lined the street.

A food vendor was selling ribs and pulled pork.

At 2 p.m., the River Mile 38 Brewing Co. opened their doors. There were six participants in the first annual Ugly Car and Rat Rod Car Show and musicians were scheduled to play throughout the day. The sun had come out and the tables filled quickly.


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