Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

County does not need taxes from drugs

To The Eagle:

I see by last week’s edition that someone got a little fired up reading my letter (8/18/2016) regarding my opinion about not needing or wanting the sale of marijuana in our county.

The person’s letter stated they had all the facts on their side, noting that they gleaned their facts about weed from something called “The Pot Book.” Really, give me a break, can you say propoganda?

I wish people like the writer could have seen what drugs and alcohol use did to some of the soldiers I led while a sergeant in the US Army or the workers whose jobs and futures were destroyed by the effects of the above that I represented as a union president and shop steward. Oh sure, I was able to help some keep their jobs, their livelihood while others were lost, being beyond help, as the addiction got the better of them.

How about the nonsense put out by the writer stating legal marijuana use has not increased our young people’s fascination with and use of the drug. Get real.

This will be my last letter on the subject, regardless of how silly a reply it inspires someone to write as I tire of battling wits with unarmed opponents.

The only point my first letter made was, in my opinion, we don’t need the sale of this gateway drug, marijuana, in our county to pay the bills at the expense of our friends with addiction problems fighting to be productive citizens or our children who should get a better example from the adults they often emulate.

Paul Schreiber



Reader Comments(2)

oldbadass writes:

I am so thankful that PS will discontinue writing about marijuana. His ideas and opinion of this substance are straight out of the movie, Reefer Madness, filmed in 1936. So many out there are ignorant and misinformed about marijuana.

ZosimoffNW writes:

Your initial opinion as just that, and opinion. Anecdotal evidence is not the same as facts. The fact is that the #1 addictive substance available to kids in our community is and always has been alcohol, which you can buy that at the market along with cigarettes (the #2 most common addiction being to nicotine). The fact is that we need to worry more about kids getting hooked on their parent's prescription pain killers, meth, and heroin than we do about them smoking some weed.

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