Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Writer suggests government is behind shootings

To The Eagle:

This letter is in response to Dennis Gordon’s recent request for people in the community to air their concerns about activities of government agencies that we find disturbing.

The one I feel is most diabolical is government agencies (FEMA, Homeland Security, and others) initiating emergency training events called Integrated Capstone Events (ICE), not be confused with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In these events participants are required by law to act as though the event was actually real. There are, in fact, legal penalties for people who spill the beans. The media is required to participate, doctors and hospitals, too.

The diabolical part is that the public is never informed that it was a scripted, acted out drill that was only a glorified practice drill. So most of the public goes on believing that people were injured, killed or maimed in these events.

Anyone who seriously looks into it will find that the Sandy Hook shooting and the Boston Marathon Bombing were such events.

There is little doubt in my mind that the Umqua shooting and the Orlando shooting were also.

It is possible that all the “mass shootings” in between were ICE events, too.

So, should we be more terrified of the “terrorists” or agencies and activities of our own government?

Gilbert Vik

Puget Island


Reader Comments(1)

Totaldisbelief writes:

I think my biggest concern is not terrorists or some nefarious shadow government but irrational and delusional people who actually believe and advance rubbish like this. My advice to you is to expand your horizon beyond the vast right wing wasteland of AM radio and shady conspiracy theorist internet websites. Understand that the words you write are damaging beyond belief to the friends and families of the victims of these terrible acts you purport to be the work of the U.S. government.