To The Eagle:
The letter submitted by a Mr. Paul Schreiber and published on 8/18 is at best ill informed and insulting to the previous writers on the matter of legal sales of marijuana in Wahkiakum county. He apparently fancies opinions to carry the same weight as fact, which is obviously ridiculous. Opinions are a great deal like a certain anatomical feature generally not discussed in polite company and of course everybody has one. Facts, on the other hand, are well researched and scientifically proven.
It was suggested by Alex Docker that the information, also known as facts, should be read by anyone who would add to the discussion on cannabis. Rather than attempt to understand The Pot Book, Mr. Schreiber veered off on some irrelevant tangent about what a nice guy Dan Cothren is. That has absolutely no bearing on the issue at hand, which is the lack of funds provided to our struggling economy.
The people voted in a state wide ballot to allow the regulated sale of marijuana and since then a few isolated places have assumed the role of fiefdoms and disallowed the sale. Chump change? Are you serious? Once again, a little research rather than some knee jerk reaction will clearly reveal the amount of money the state has garnered, all the while noting that there is no increase in crime, accidents or children using this non-toxic herb. To assume that anyone arguing for the local sale, is ‘puffed' or whatever Mr. Schreiber thinks is the reason for supporting local sales, is childish and demeans the writer and has really no bearing on this matter.
This is supposed to be about funding our county in a new and legal industry. Like many others, including Mr.Schreiber, I too love our bucolic little county and the way of life. Having lived here for nearly seven years I have come to the following conclusion. People will invariably ask where Wahkiakum county is and I answer with a question of my own. I ask them if they know where Longview/Kelso is. If they answer yes, I proudly tell them we are about 25 miles and 30 years west.
Respectfully submitted,
James Roberts
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