Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Land owner against assessments

To The Eagle:

I, Olaf Thomason, Sr., being a beach front land owner, am against any assessment made by the Corps of Engineers or the county.

The damage caused along the beaches was, or is not, caused by the adjacent property owners.

Therefore, any assessments by the Corps of Engineers and/or the county, should be paid for by the Corps of Engineers, who with the port districts, want bigger ships and want a deeper shipping channel.

If the county thinks they have a say with the Corps, they should remember what happened to the white-tailed refuge against the will of the people and the said port district.

They always get what they want when dealing with people along the rivers and waters.

People have been suffering for years with the Corps of Engineers projects.

I hope my neighbors who want sand get what then need.

Olaf Thomason

Puget Island


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