Skamokawa News
DRIPPY START--As this week began, we had some light rain, and while my lawn and bushes were thankful, I'm guessing all those that were camping weren't so happy. Those with hay down, were definitely not happy! On the bright side, this moisture keeps our fire danger level on the low side in comparison to half the western states which are burning up, so while it seems like summer isn't acting like summer right now, maybe we just need to count our blessings. While it might not be perfect, it beats fire and flooding and severe drought by a long shot!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Aug. 11-17 are Jeremy Bennett, Rick Bryan, Tim Schmitz, Shannon Britt, Kathleen Morgain, Tyna Zink, Steve McClain, Peggy (Gerald) Pedersen, Tenneal Harris, Judy Fritzie, Kassy Burdick, Eileen Free, Cooper Grasseth, Josh Grasseth, Addy Hauff, Krista Blix McGuire, Sarah Mahailovich, Barbara Blix, Danny Tomlinson and Judy Smith (formerly from the Duck Inn) will be turning the big "seven-o" this coming week, so a big congrats to her and may all of you have wonderful birthday celebrations!
Celebrating anniversaries this week are Larry and Deb Holland, Kyle and Deb Gribskov, Mike and Mary McLaughlin and Gene and Karen Healy. May your special anniversary days be extra memorable for all of you!
REMEMBERING THEM--It was this day eight years ago, Aug. 11, 2008, that Skamokawa lost two wonderful people and our two lounge/bar owners, Skamokawa Pete (Arthur) Peterson of the Duck Inn and Wanda Rudy of the Oasis Tavern. We want their families to know that even though they have been gone for quite a few years, the memories we shared with them will live on forever for those of us that knew them. I can't help but smile when I think of them, as they were definitely two unique and memorable people. I have no doubt that they are keeping things lively in the "great beyond." Here's to you, Pete and Wanda!
MEMORIAL--My lovely niece, Lori Ann Pedersen Finkas, passed away earlier this year at the young age of 52. She had worked at PeaceHealth St. John's Medical Center for many, years and was well-liked/loved by all that knew her. In honor of her, a plaque will be placed in the courtyard at the hospital where she often enjoyed her lunch, and will be dedicated in her honor at 11 a.m. on Aug. 18, which would have been her 53rd birthday. Family and friends are invited to attend.
ORDER FORMS TODAY--Carol McClain tells me that there will be an order form in today's paper for the Lions Club Frozen Berry Sale, so if you're interested in strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, marionberries or blackberries, they're selling them! These berries come in 10 lb. boxes and vary on price.
They also have the Sight & Hearing Reading Glasses available at the West End Food Pantry today and will have them there again on Aug. 18. They will be at the Cathlamet Clothing Bank on Aug. 24 and 31. These are free glasses for those who need a little something to help them see better while reading.
BIG REUNION THIS SATURDAY--The time has come for everyone to grab some finger food and bring a chair to the Wahkiakum High School this Saturday, Aug. 13 at noon, and hopefully a good crowd of WHS alumni will show up to say "howdy" to all other former classmates. If you happen to have a name tag handy, that might be a great idea to stick on yourself or, even your name on a piece of paper pinned to a pocket would work. There will be plates, napkins, utensils and water provided. So, if you want something else (non-alcoholic) to drink, you'll need to bring it with you. If you have some spare time, Susan Kuhn could use a hand, so contact her at: as soon as possible. Here's to a casual, laid back, good time at WA-KI-HI this Saturday for the 100th Year Commemorative Reunion of the school.
NEXT WEEK--"Catch the Fair Bug" is the theme of this year's fair! We hope the sun will make a return by fair time, which is Aug. 18-20, with entries due at the beginning of the week. Get out those entries, head to the fairgrounds, get your new entry numbers and let's fill up those tables and walls full of handmade/homemade items. From quilts to dresses, to soaps and jams and photography to paintings and flowers to veggies, it's time to show them off at the 108th Wahkiakum County Fair! Remember, if you can volunteer to man a gate or help clean or decorate, leave your name on the fair phone 795-3480. Buy your fair passes today, as they are only $6 for all three days; a great deal! In our family, eating at the fair all three days is a must, so not only does the chief cook get a break, but it helps to support all the vendors that we want to support so they'll come back next year.
SKAMOKAWA "KIDS"--Just another quick reminder that there will be a meeting at the Skamokawa Vista Park office on Aug. 20 at 2 p.m., for those who went to school in the old Skamokawa Grade School that had been located in the park. Gary Emery says it won't take too long to discuss a couple of things, and one of those is creating a memorial plaque for the school, as well as some disbursements of funds for WHS graduates. Call Gary at 795-0884 if you need more information or you want to let him know your thoughts on the matter.
"VICTIMS" NEEDED--After the fair is over, the Department of Emergency Management coordinator, Beau Refro, wants to let you know that the following Friday, Aug. 26, there will be a full scale emergency responder training session going on in Cathlamet from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. In order to put this on, victims, or role players, are needed to play the part of injured people, so we hope some of you will take part in this exercise. You must be at least 18 years old. Volunteers will be provided with lunch and dinner and some may even get to take a ride on the Life Flight helicopter, so that could be exciting. First of all, contact Beau at 795-7876 or on the west side, 465-2202, if you're interested, and do this right away as the time is flying by and they need to get this all set up prior to that day. This will take place at 550 South 3rd Street.
MUSIC AT THE GRANGE--The Skamokawa Grange #425, located at 18 Fairgrounds Road is holding a "Grange Aid" event on Sept. 2 at 7 p.m. This is a musical fund raising event featuring four bands to help restore the historic grange hall. Cost is only $10 for adults to get in, but youth (6 to 18) and seniors over 65, are only $5, with kids five and under free. These are great prices to see and hear some great music and help a great cause as well!
WINE TASTING--The annual fund raiser for the Friends of Skamokawa will be here in just a month, Sept. 10 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Skamokawa Grange Hall. Tickets will be available at the Bank of the Pacific in Cathlamet, the Skamokawa Store or at Redmen Hall. Buy them in advance and they are $15 for a single or $30 a couple but prices will go up $5 if you purchase them at the door. It is hoped that you'll make an appearance at this event, which is the FOS main fund raiser for the year, and it always features lots of great wines and good food to go with them. Naturally, there will be non-alcoholic beverages available as well. Locals Ginger and Jake will once again provide the food, so you know it's going to be good! With time flying by, we hope you've let them (FOS) know that you're willing to donate something for their live or silent auction, as your donations make this the great benefit that it always is. There will also be a "paddle raise" to help raise a little extra to paint the building, as with the new roof on, it's time to add the paint! Call the hall, Thursday-Sunday from noon to four, at 795-3007 for further information, or let them know you're willing to donate something. Please keep in mind that this is an adult evening out, so mark Sept. 10 down on your calendar today!
ON THE MEND--Amanda Gibson had some surgery last week in Seattle for a heart valve replacement and as of Tuesday, she was doing great and headed home, so that was certainly good news. All her friends and family have been wishing her well and saying lots of prayers that she would come through this surgery okay, and by golly, she did. After the initial soreness and recuperating time, she's feeling better every day.
GOOD TIMES--Nicole McKinley and her two kids, Bailey and Bryson, and a friend, took a little trip to the Clark County Fair last weekend and had a great time on the rides there. While we may have had some showers here, it was nothing but tank tops and sunshine there. Kelly Hammond and nephew and grandkids, also took a trip to the Clark County fair, and everyone certainly looked like they enjoyed themselves. Meanwhile, the Sechler/Nollan families headed to the coast where they enjoyed several days camping out and all four Sechler kids, Kyle, Blake, Tessa and Luke were there, along with parents, Pete and Katie, as well as the newest member of their family, JJ; a lab pup who was in seventh heaven on the beach and in the water! I didn't get an exact head count, but there were probably about 25 people there enjoying the big outing.
THINKING OF THEM--There are multiple people in our area, both family and friends, who are dealing with various forms of cancer. I hope they all know that there are many, many people thinking of them and praying for them at this very moment in hopes that their treatments will be successful and they will soon be cancer free. If you believe in miracles, please keep those in mind that truly need one right about now. This is such a miserable disease and our hearts just ache for all its victims.
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