Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Let entire community decide on retail sales

To the Eagle:

I read with dismay Commissioner Cothren's letter to the editor last week.

He states that Mr. Roberts said "that Wahkiakum Co. received 10 percent revenue from the sale of marijuana". (August 4, 2016, Eagle)

Fact check: He actually wrote "counties that allowed the sale of marijuana received 10 percent of funds raised in their respective counties.” (July 28, 2016, Eagle)

Some months ago (March 24, 2016, Eagle) Commissioner Cothren stated "the people of the district do not want us to grant a waiver." "We don't want another drug in our society," and "I'll never vote for marijuana." The commisssioners at that time denied a waiver to the person who had intended to purchase the Rosburg store and sell legal recreational marijuana. The reason stated was that the law prohibits marijuana stores that close to parks and schools and that it was too close to Johnson Park.

A few months ago, a Grays River resident went door-to-door to bring information about shoreline management and then said oh by the way, if you don't want a pot store here you need to sign this. For the next several days I asked people I saw if they knew about this petition. Honestly, not many people had. This petition did not reflect the number of people who didn't sign it.

Fact check: All residents of Wahkiakum County were not aware this denial of the waver (or even the proposed pot store) was happening till it was a done deal.

Fact check: Johnson Park is not a "recognized" park and has not been a school for many years.

Fact check: In 2012 the residents of Washington State voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

I realize that individual counties have the choice whether to allow marijuana sales. This decision should be made by people who have educated themselves about the benefits and pitfalls of marijuana use. All the people in Wahkiakum County should be given the opportunity to decide if they want marijuana sales here.

Fact check: Commissioner Cothren stated that "if the people supported a retail marijuana store, he would go with the majority."(August 4, 2016, Eagle)

Over the years, the mantra of our commissioners has been "there is no money" or "no timber money" or "no money for law enforcement," etc.

In the July 28 edition of this paper I read that there will be a Criminal Justice tax levy on the ballot. I suggest that instead of asking the community for more tax money, we take advantage of the revenue that marijuana sales brings to fund our sheriff's department.

Commissioner Cothren, your opinion does matter. So does the opinion of every resident of Wahkiakum County. Please be fair and let the entire community decide.

Penny Gregory



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