Greetings from the fair office. Wow, the fair is almost here! The Silver Buckle Series was a big hit again this past weekend. Thanks to Val and her crew for a job well done.
The Fair Royalty will have a Car Wash at the Bank of Pacific on August 6. Come get your car washed and buy your Fair Pass.
This year’s 7 p.m. entertainment is all returning bands from last year. Thursday at 7 p.m. will be the King Brothers, Friday's 7 p.m. show will bring back Country Band Sacred Road, and Saturday night the Journey tribute band TouchN, LoveN, SqueezeN will be back. If you didn't hear these bands last year mark your calendar because they are all awesome. Check the fair book schedule for all entertainment times.
Other entertainment on the stage will be Thursday, Layton and Pam Elliott and Ray Prestgard, Friday kids day, Alleyoop and Saturday 50/50 Line Dancers, Nash Brothers, and the Vintage Gypsies. Make your plans now to come hear your favorite entertainment. Fair Passes are only $6.00 for all three days and can be purchased from your Fair Royalty: Haley Depoe, Kyrah Scuito, Novella Hokkanen, and Destiny McGowan.
Every year the fair has a ton of volunteers. The volunteers do a number of jobs at the fair grounds. An important one is the gates during fair. Anyone interested in working a gate shift can call the office and we will get you signed up. As always I would like to thank the many volunteers for all their dedication to the fair. With out you the fair would not be so successful.
Just a reminder to everyone that entries for the fair start coming in on Monday prior to fair. If you don't have a fair book get one. All the dates and times are listed in it and I will post them to the Fair's Facebook page.
Hope to see everyone at the 2016 Fair.
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