Wahkiakum County Commissioners handled a variety of business when they met Tuesday, including:
--Commissioner Dan Cothren reported he had met with officials from the US Army Corps of Engineers and the upriver ports association to talk about dredging issues. “Things are moving,” Cothren said, adding that the representative of the upriver ports seemed agreeable to the county’s concept that dredged sand will be placed along eroding beaches before it goes to inland disposal.
Commissioner Mike Backman suggested the board hold a public meeting to explain the possible effects arising from disposal of sand on leased farmland inside the East Sunny Sands dike.
--Commissioners approved a proposed agreement with the Town of Cathlamet for $50,000 to help cover operating costs on a matching basis. The amount is a reduction of $20,000 which the county has paid for several years. The town council will consider the proposed agreement at its June 20 meeting.
--Health and Human Services Director Sue Cameron announced that Cathlamet schools will be able to offer a summer lunch program for youth from all parts of the county. Volunteers from Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church will spearhead the program.
--County Health Officer Dr. Sarah Present announced she is resigning from her position to take on added responsibilities in other jobs. She said she will work with the health department to find a replacement.
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