Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Time to remember our fallen military

Skamokawa News

OFF AND ON--Last weekend wasn't a complete bust, as it seemed Portland got hammered with rain, while we stayed cloudy with only a few spinkles on Saturday. Sunday was pretty wet here in between sun breaks, so I'm glad the lawn got mowed while it was dry, and we could just let nature water the plants. I was expecting some rain for Monday and while some folks had some sprinkles, I was out doing yardwork and getting mighty toasty in the sun, at least during the first part of the day. The forecast looks like it will be another mixed bag of weather for the area for the week, so I guess it will depend on where you are as to what you'll get, but we're hoping for more sunshine than rain so we can enjoy this holiday weekend to the fullest.

THIS FRIDAY--Just a reminder that the Puget Island Farmers Market is taking place this Friday, May 27. I hear they will have a lot of entertainment as well as all their fine veggies and things to purchase, so why not head over to West Birnie Slough on Puget Island and check them out in the afternoon? The hours are from 3 to 6 p.m.

FRIDAY MOVIE--As usual, the free Friday night movie will take place in Cathlamet at 7 p.m., at the Senior Center. This time it's a documentary and is suited for youth and adults. Please, no child under 12 can be there without an adult.

BERRIES--Time is counting down to order the fresh strawberries the Lions Club is offering once again this year, as all orders must be turned in and paid for by June 4. The pick-up date on those is June 11 and depending on whether you're in the Cathlamet area or the Skamokawa area, you'll be picking them up at either the Wahkiakum High School, or in front of the Skamokawa Grange Hall. Order forms are in The Eagle or around town and if you can't find one, call 795-3337 or 849-4003 and they can help you out. There are two sizes to choose from: 28 lbs., $48, or 14 lbs., $28.

MEMORIAL WEEKEND--The big three day weekend marking Memorial Day is always jam-packed with things going on, so there's bound to be a lot of traffic on the road. For your own sake, please drive defensively and have your headlights on at all times.

I hope you'll take the time to remember what Memorial Day is all about, as it's a day to remember all those who lost their lives while serving their country, the United States of America. (This is unlike Veteran's Day, where past and present members of the military are recognized.) This holiday was born out of the desire to honor the fallen soldiers during the Civil War and was first called "Decoration Day" and was officially proclaimed as such by General John Logan on May 5, 1868. At that time, May 30 was the day chosen to decorate the graves of those that had fallen in battle. Later on, with the passage of the National Holiday Act in 1971, it was changed to the last Monday in the month of May. New York was the first state to officially recognize the holiday in 1873. The birthplace of it in this state is the town of Waterloo, however a couple of dozen other cities make the same claim, but Pres. Lyndon Johnson proclaimed the honor be given to Waterloo in 1966.

GOLFERS UNITE-- I read that there would be a Memorial Day Scramble Golf Tournament so if you're a golfer, you might want to check out the Skyline Golf Course and get all the rules and regulations for that. The community calendar says to contact Randy Rodahl at 360-431-6398 for further info.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 26-June 1 are: Keil Charles Parker, Katie Vegvary, Serene Snow Carroll, Justin Rainey, Wes McClain, Benjamin McClain, Gale Luthi, Gary Emery, Barb Bain, Jeanne Paulsen, Patti LaBerge, Mark Schubert, Chad Marsyla, Asher Frink, Kelly Hammond, Amy Knowles, Al Bergseng, Stephanie Prestegard, Tracy Cleveland, Annika Vik, Sharon Hart, Tim Rushing, Arnie Good, Brooklynn Blain, 67'ers: Linda Toste and Mike Hicks and daughter, Lisa Sechler is celebrating the big Five-O this week, so here's wishing everyone a fantastic birthday!

Happy Anniversary wishes this week go out to neighbors, Bill and Linda Mahitka. Have a terrific day!

BAD ACCIDENT--We were so sorry to hear about Larry Hendrickson taking a fall down some stairs at his daughter's house early this week, and unfortunately he suffered a multitude of injuries. including bones in his face and wrist, vertebrae damage and more, so we want to send him our thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. I understand that family members expect him to have a full recovery but he'll be having a lot of physical therapy first, so we hope that goes well and he's back to 100 percent in no time!

THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS--We want to send local jewelry maker and musician, Pam Elliott, some good wishes as she's dealing with some serious health issues right now, so she'd appreciate all the prayers she can get as she will undergo some surgery real soon. We trust she will feel less pain and recover fully after she has this done.

CAR SHOW--The time is almost here as the Skamokawa area will be full of hot rods, rat rods, custom classics, vintage automobiles and everything in between, on June 4 at this year's Rods and Reels Rod Run at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds and adjoining park. There'll be great music to listen to while you wander amongst the cars, and there will be a tasty lunch served mid-day. Kids can fish in the trout pond for free, while people purchase lots of tickets to win some fabulous prizes donated by some wonderful people, who are all hoping to raise a lot of money for our graduates! If you buy some tickets, here's wishing you some luck so you'll come away a winner, and thanks for supporting our Wahkiakum High School seniors!

SERVING BREAKFAST--The Skamokawa United Methodist Church will serve a great breakfast from 7-10 a.m., prior to the car show, and this not only gives you a great meal for a bargain price, but it helps support the church and also the Dollars for Scholars organization, as the church will donate 10 percent of all proceeds to the graduating seniors' scholarships; everybody wins! Remember, this great meal consists of pancakes, sausage, eggs and biscuits and sausage gravy, for just $8; kids under six, just $4.

FOS--On June 5, Kerrie McNally will entertain you with her very own compositions with that beautiful voice of hers, so we hope you'll come to the River Life Interpretive Center on the second floor of Redmen Hall, at 2 p.m. that day. Accompanying her on guitar will be another local musician, Layton Elliott. Cost of admission for this is just $5, so that's a real bargain. Kerrie will also be selling her latest CD release that day.

The following week, an evening performance will take place on Saturday, June 11, at 7 p.m. Again the cost will be $5 and those with children under 18, are free. Entertaining you that evening will be the Cliffs of Cathlamet, a newly formed group with Jillian Raye and Eric Friend. Joining them will be author Robert Pyle who will read from his new book, "Chinook and Chanterelle."

COFFEE CART--Ship Channel Coffee is certainly being welcomed back at Skamokawa Vista Park, so be sure to stop by and get that wonderful specialty coffee drink! While it's only open from 7:30 to 2 p.m., on Fridays-Sundays, owner Rachael Katyrniuk says they'll be open seven days a week towards the end of June. I'm sure that's going to make all the campers and locals, real happy!

OUT OF THE PAST--Back in 1946, the month of May ended with a warm, muggy day. It was a "terrible" day on the telephone board as it was slammed with calls and the gals in the Cathlamet PNW Bell office were exhausted. That particular day, there were 2000 sailors in Astoria coming off decommissioned ships and over 400 fishermen, and Grandma Elsie thought they were all making phone calls to Cathlamet! The amount of calls was worse than during the war she said, so it was definitely a busy time for them. The show in town that week was "A Song to Remember" which Grandma Elsie managed to go and see and she thought it was good but sad. She went to the show with Mary Anne Risk and Ellen Foster. The first day of June was very hot.

In 1961, the first few days of that week were a little wet but May ended with a warm, beautiful day and June began hot--89 degrees! On the same day as in 1946, Grandma and Ellen Foster were together. This year, the WHS graduation ceremony was held on May 26, which was a cool day. The Everests went to the "very nice" ceremony where grandson, David Pedersen finished up his high school years. The girls wore white caps and gowns with red shoes and the boys wore black caps and gowns with red vests and ties. All this according to Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.


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