Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Focus: 18th Finnish American Folk Festival starts July 29

NASELLE - The eighteenth biennial Finnish American Folk Festival will take place at the schools in Naselle, WA, July 29th-31st.

This cultural event presents a feast for all the senses. Sight-authentic costumes, folk dancers, exhibits such as art, a museum, historic photos, arts and crafts, Finnish war memorabilia, genealogy charts. Hearing-music including the Finnish national instrument the kantele, presentations on numerous topics. Taste and smell-Finnish foods such as makkkara, sima, pannukakku, leipä. Touch-hugs galore from friends and family and new acquaintances. It is a fun filled event for all ages.

Those who golf can participate in the tournment at the Peninsula Golf Course in Long Beach, WA, on Thursday, July 28th. Pre-registration is necessary. Applications can be downloaded from the new website:

Festivities begin at 10:00 a.m., Friday, July 29, at the schools which are located at the junction of SR 401 and SR 4. The Tori (marketplace) is open until 6:00 p.m., as are all the exhibits and food vendors. The featured film at opening is a documentary produced by the Nordic American Voices, part of Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. “This is My Childhood; Finland at War” includes excerpts from the interviews of 26 Finnish-Americans who lived in Finland during WWII. Many of them were sent to Sweden for safety. The film is 58 minutes long. Other presentations by local experts and college professors continue throughout the day. At 12:30 the nation anthems and Maypole dancers happen. From 4-6 p.m. Appelo Archives Center will host a reception for performers and presenters at 1056 SR 4 (two miles east of the schools). This is for adults only and the only time the AAC will be open during the festival.

Friday evening’s program of music will begin at 6:00 p.m., in the school Commons.

Saturday starts early with a pannukakku breakfast served by the ESA from -10 a.m. It is followed by the Paavo Nurmi Run/Walk for all ages at 8:00 a.m. If a souvenir t-shirt is a priority, pre-registration is necessary. The form can be downloaded from the website or call Haleigh See at 360.484.3878. The Opening Ceremony takes place from 10-11:30 a.m., in the stadium. Again, the exhibits, lectures, Tori and food booths are open from 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday additions include a wife carry contest, Nokia phone toss and boot throw as well as food demonstrations, kantele and genealogy workshops, a salmon dinner served by the Grays River Grange, an evening program including music performers and a play. A dance for all ages in the evening concludes that day’s activities.

Sunday the festival ends with a Closing Ceremony and nondenominational Worship Service followed by pulla (cardamom bread) and coffee served by the Naselle Lutheran Church Priscilla Circle. The exhibits, food vendors, and Tori will not be open that day. Also, there are no lectures or musical performances.

Pets are not allowed on the school grounds with the exception of service animals. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

All the school facility is handicapped accessible. Handicapped parking is in front of the school and in the back closest to the gym.

Parking for all others is at the State Patrol and DOT offices at the entrance to the schools, and across SR 4 by the coffee kiosk. Parking is also available at the Naselle churches: Assembly of God, Lutheran, and Congregational. Pacific Transit provides shuttle service to the school.

Thanks to all the generous supporters who make this festival possible: $5000 anonymous donation, $2000 anonymous donation, Pacific County Lodging Tax Grant, Bank of the Pacific, Mike Swanson Realty, American Legion Post No. 111, Columbia Pacific Chapter Finlandia Foundation (Portland), Finnish American Historical Society of the West (Portland), Okie’s Select, Wesley Raistakka Memorials, and a $100 anonymous donation. Kiitos to all the lifetime members and to all the current members. Please support these businesses, groups, and individuals when you can.

New information is being added to the website. The daily schedules and times won’t be posted until close to July 1st due to last minute changes. Call Mike Swanson at 360.484.3388 if you have questions not answered on the website or you do not have a computer.

Come connect with your Finnish roots or to learn about the Finnish culture no matter what your nationality is. You will be warmly welcomed in this “little village with the big heart” and are sure to go away energized and with many positive memories.

Finnish American Folk Festival


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