To The Eagle:
The choice of candidates campaigning for the highest honor of serving our country is rather disturbing and depressing. The Democrats can’t come up with a better candidate than Hillary? Sanders? Republicans are no better. The ballots should also include “None of the Above” when time to vote. I’m fed up with experienced politicians that sugarcoat the talk and once elected they snub us with an about-face turn and live their merry way doing their thing. A while back, I wrote and poured out my heart in a 3-page letter to the president, the house speaker, our governor and senators that before they raise or add more taxes, spend our dollars to foreign countries, they need to prune the administration from top to bottom, eliminate government agencies that waste taxpayers’ dollars (google https://www/, take an extreme pay cut and most of all, take care of our veterans, stop spending our dollars to illegal immigrants, eliminate unnecessary regulations, fees and taxes to nongovernment businesses, stop shoving Obamacare down our throats, and leave our Social Security alone. I didn’t get one response and they haven’t done squat but they sure are eager to add more taxes and enact more laws, robbing little by little, our freedoms and turning against all that our forefathers fought for.
I remember some years back before General Norman Schwarzkopf passed away, I watched him on one of his interviews and he was asked if he would run for president. He said “with all its problems who wants it?” Can’t say I blame him. To accept the term as president, we need someone who is not in politics, does not want to be president, but have the caring leadership quality and honor to diplomatically serve our country with strength, pride and respect.
The White House is run by a bunch of greedy self-serving conniving politicians and need to be strongly shaken up. Donald Trump may be the most boorish, loud and foul-mouthed candidate out there, but at least we see his true character in full view and hear what he would do if he got elected, not caring if it cost him votes, unlike most candidates who choose to act and speak deceitfully just to get your votes. Trump is not the ideal candidate I would choose due to his bankruptcies and mouth issues and a few topics I don’t agree with, like waterboarding for one, but I’m taking my chance with him. I like to hope, if he wins, he would shake up the White House and hear him say “You’re all fired!” and replace them with true and caring servants.
Toni Below
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