To The Eagle:
As a Christian, American and a veteran, I am happy and proud to be an American. I served, to help preserve the rights of us all, to choose, which party we feel will do best for the country. Someone is boasting that they will make the (already great) country great again.
As a veteran, I also served, to preserve the right to believe in Jesus Christ, while allowing my neighbors, to choose not to do so, which by the way, is part of our Constitution, It is my "duty" to let my neighbor know The Way.
My wife and I adopted a son; many in my church have adopted children. The process to adopt is extremely difficult and expensive. I would very much like to see help in the adoption process and caring orphanages. Fortunately the abortion rate is dropping, though one is too many. Condemning will not stop it. Fortunately it’s not a coat hanger any more.
Coming from Denmark, I can appreciate the taxes paid there, as it makes it possible for most, to attain the education or training to have a respectable job and life. I would very much like for our schools to be stronger in trade training rather than pushing everyone towards college, realizing that with good training the students not well meant for college could still attain a great life, in the many trades available. I have discussed the cost of such taxes versus insurance, insurance, insurance, tuition and so on. It comes out almost the same; the difference is equality (the American dream) for all to get an even chance to grow into healthy productive people.
Having served in the Army 1962 to 1965, I am extremely happy that we have not started any new wars. I was willing then to serve but would not like to send my kids or grand kids to war. Hopefully we will be able to pay for the last one and take better care of all the broken kids from it.
Lastly, I am proud of my service to the country. I am proud of the service to the community, having held three volunteer positions in this county. I take care of my family and property. August 5-6-7 my wife and I invite anyone, (yearly we have 200 or so) to come enjoy our home for a three-day campout and pig-roast feed.
Yes, I am not ashamed to be a Democrat, a voting Democrat, not judging, perhaps disagreeing.
Poul Toftemark
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