Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

White Tail Run just a month away

Skamokawa News

SUPER NICE--Last Thursday was certainly a toasty one as temperatures here hit the mid-80's which is pretty rare for us this time of year! While I'm sure the sun and heat lovers liked it, it was a bit too warm for me to be outside for very long, but if you were one of those who loved it, I hope you wore sun screen! By the time the weekend was over, it was back to some clouds and a brief amount of mist in certain places, so it was more my kind of weather. I know it was much better to do yardwork in, as it was much cooler and the sun wasn't broiling one to death. However, by the time you're reading this, we'll have had some rain, but they say the weekend is supposed to be dry again, so the timing will work out pretty good for all those weekend chores or excursions!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from April 14-20 are Logan Britt, Jeri Pierce, Bryan Ledtke, Dan Keilwitz, Brock Cothren, Janine Helms, Fred Bennett Jr., Sandra Peterson Davis, Brent Mahitka, Phil Doumit, Sean Miller, Margaret Strueby, Cody Peterson, Reggie Bonny, Mike Brown, Tawnya Paine, Mike Lawrence, Nataly Peterson, Kassidy Holland, Nancy Granger, Esther Cothren, Linda Mahitka and Carolyn Pedersen. Here's to all of you having some great birthday gatherings!

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Tim Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson and Dawn and Steve Macchione. Here's to some terrific anniversary celebrations for you this coming week!

FRIDAY MOVIE--It's movie time once again at the community center in Cathlamet, with a comedy/drama for youth (12-18) and adult this time, with the usual starting time of 7 p.m. Feel free to bring your own snacks. Remember, children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at any movie that they attend, and be sure to check if that movie is suitable for them beforehand.

THIS IS IT--It's time to head to Redmen Hall this Saturday, April 16, where a reception will be held for artist Rachael Wolford, as she opens her last exhibit in the River Life Interpretive Center, located on the second floor of the hall. While you're there, check out the great book and gift selection as Mother's Day and Father's Day will be here before you know it! Redmen Hall is open Thursday through Sunday, 12-4 p.m. Call 795-3007 for more information.

67'ERS GATHER--Also happening this Saturday, is the lunch gathering of members of the WA-KI-HI Class of 1967, at the Duck Inn, at 1 p.m. We hope all you local 67'ers will stop by and visit for a little bit and catch up on the latest doings of your classmates.

GRANGERS--The Skamokawa Grange #425 meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, so this coming Tuesday, April 19, will find them at the Skamokawa Grange Hall by 6:30 p.m., for their potluck gathering, with their regular meeting time at 7 p.m. All are welcome to join them.

Don't forget, the Cub Scouts meet there on Friday evenings at 6 p.m., and they'd love to have some more scout members in their troop!

KINGS RETURN--Not this weekend, but the weekend afterwards, on Saturday, April 23, the "King Brothers" will return to the Duck Inn for an evening of great music and lots of fun. These guys have the old band sound with the older rock and roll tunes that we all know and love and so it's time to dust off those dancing shoes and do the swing with your sweetie or dazzle her with your waltzing skill! They play from 8 p.m., to midnight so don't be late getting there!

OVER THE HILL--Also that Saturday, you can head to Naselle and check out the Sixth Annual Loggers' Reunion at the Appelo Archives Center, from 10 a.m.-3p.m. They are honoring Weyerhaeuser Grays River Camp Employees between 1955-1983, so there's sure to be some great stories told amongst that gang.

GOOD TIME--This past weekend was my brother, Ralph Pedersen's 80th birthday and he and his bride's (Peggy) 61st anniversary as well, so there was plenty of company stopping by their house, complete with meals, cake and ice cream and other assorted goodies! Sons, Tim and Mark (Rhonda) Pedersen came up from Vancouver, and from Longview, Frank and Carolyn Pedersen spent the afternoon and Sherry Stewart stopped in, as did yours truly, not to mention several friends and many phone calls with happy wishes for their special days, so I think they were ready for some peace and quiet by the end of the weekend.

SYMPATHIES--It seems we can't go a week without losing someone we know, and this past couple of weeks has been no different, as Gordon Calvert, Charlotte Hegstad, Helen Seaberg, Bob Neilson and Don Greenland passed away, and we certainly offer our sympathies to all of their families

LOTS OF KIDS--If you haven't been by the Skamokawa Farmstead Creamery lately, you really should drive by and watch all the little kids-baby goats-bouncing all over the place, as they are just a hoot to watch. You can check out Vicki Allenback's web page or email her at for more details on when you can come and visit the creamery. The cheese is great and the caramel they make is yummy, yummy for sure!

GREAT PIC--If you saw the Daily News on Saturday with a kid "flying" upside down in a great big picture on the front page, well, that was my grandson, Bryce Good. I know what you're thinking, "no, that's Gage Horman," because that's what the paper said. However while they may have been taking pictures of both Bryce and Gage at Skamokawa Vista Park that day, they wound up printing the picture with Bryce in it, but named Gage. Oh well, it happens and the boys are best friends, so I'm guessing they got a "Good" laugh over the mix-up!

A MONTH AWAY--It's hard to believe that half of this month is over already and it won't be long that we'll be slipping into a new month full of activities. One of those is the Annual 4-H Great White Tail Run which will take place on May 14. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., at Skamokawa Vista Park, if you don't pre-register, with the run taking place at 10 a.m. You have a choice between doing a 10K, a 5K or just a 2 mile run, around the Julia Butler Hansen White Tail Refuge, and there will be prizes awarded in each category. For full details check out the website under Wahkiakum County's WSU Extension, or call 795-3278 for more details.

OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1946, there were three "lovely" days, but then it got rainy, cloudy and cold so it wasn't nice, but the last day was very clear but still cold. It seems there was a new doctor in town as well as a new teller at the bank, two new people in the same week. That was newsworthy in those days! The telephone office had a new worker begin there when Mrs. Clarence got behind the telephone board. During one of the nice days, there was a great party at the Pocahontas Lodge meeting, as it was Ellen Foster's birthday that day. Ralph and Frank Pedersen got haircuts that week and they stopped by to show their new haircuts to their Grandma Everest, and also lamented about the fact that one of their goldfish had died.

Back in 1961, it was not a nice week at all and quite cold, and on April 19 it snowed great big flakes. The Puget Island Grange Hall was packed when the Island Community Club held a Friendship Tea and everyone had a grand time seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Carol Everest Pedersen was busy on the phone as she was calling people and asking for food donations and workers for the annual Smorgasboard that would be held May 7. The Ernie McKies welcomed a baby boy into their family this week; named him Scott. The Everests walked up the hill aways to check out the new church (Congregational) where they found Jack Brown and Howard Murphy working on it a bit. Lots of cards were being sent out for birthdays this week and a couple of cards to those that were under the weather, which included Glen Bjorge. Mayme Johnson took a bad fall that week and so she missed out on some of the usual ladies gatherings as she was "pretty lame." It was time to order a gift for the wedding anniversary of Krist and Carol Pedersen, so Grandma Elsie headed to the Eagle office and got them a subscription to the Wahkiakum Eagle that week. All this according to Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.


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