Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

April Happenings in the Wahkiakum Community Garden

April is a busy month at the Community Garden. We have been pulling the overwintered weeds, cleaning pathways, rototilling the plots, filling raised beds with new soil, liming the plots, and generally sprucing up the whole garden.

The raspberry plants have been pruned and tied up to their wires, weeding them is still in the process. The blueberries were weeded and fertilized thanks to the volunteers who come help out. The water is turned on so we can clean our tools and water new starts in the hoop house.

Planting the early crops has begun with kale, radishes, carrots, beets, and peas all starting to germinate and show above ground.

We will be having a plant sale in early May with some beautiful peonies, lilies, raspberry plants both red- and yellow-berried, evergreen trees, chives, and some unusual trees and plants donated by Gary Marzolino, a nursery grower in the area who recently moved. (Many thanks to Mr. Marzolino.) Watch the Eagle for date of our plant sale.

The garden work crew is generally at the gardens on Wednesdays from about 9:30 a.m. to Noon, so if you wish to volunteer to help in the garden, show up then and we’ll put you to work. We grow vegetables for the local food banks in about one-third of the area of the garden and can always use help in that section. The rest of the plots are for personal gardens and are used by individuals who may not have a garden at home and enjoy getting down and dirty in the soil.

We have several plots still available so if you are interested, please contact Joyce Orr, 360-430-3968; or email:


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