Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891
Skamokawa News
HALF NICE--Easter weekend may not have been completely nice, but most of Saturday was, so the Lions Club Easter Egg hunt didn't happen in the pouring down rain. Actually, it didn't start getting wet until evening time here, so it was a pretty good day, and with so many events taking place, it was great to not have to wear boots and slosh around through the puddles. Easter Sunday saw some sunshine too, but it was quickly wiped out by heavy rains and hail, at least here in West Valley, so it was one of those mixed up days! The upcoming weather forecast looks great so let's hope we see some of the sunshine they're promising us for most of the week.
GOOD LUCK--We want to wish the Mules Golf team some good luck as they play at home today against Adna and Ilwaco at the Skyline Golf Course in Cathlamet. Tee time is 3:30 p.m. Go mighty Mules!
APRIL FOOLS DAY--Tomorrow is not only the beginning of another month, but it's the big jokester day for all those folks who enjoy pulling practical jokes on their unsuspecting friends and family members. Here's to lots of laughs but no harsh tricks, as I've seen some fairly outlandish things go on that day, and not all of them are "funny." Some are down right mean, so be nice when pulling that little trick up your sleeve!
We aren't foolin' when we say, check out the new movie that will be showing at the Cathlamet Community/Senior Center on Friday. The show begins at 6 p.m.
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from March 31-April 6 are Linda McClain, Mike Carroll, Dana McClain, Vaal Gribskov, Ron Rust, Alecia Cooper, Bob Brons, Richard Backman, George Trott, Crystal Davis, Lisa McNally, Jaxton Holland, Paul Vik, Randy Vik, Patti Phillips, Marilyn Saari, Matt Wright, Marissa Longtain, Michaela Phillips, Nathan Pedersen, Karen Bell, Mikayla Bell, Jeremy Pedersen and 67'er Keith Lawrence. Enjoy these special birthday days everybody!
Happy Anniversary wishes this week go out to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bonny, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Wages. Enjoy!
RIGHT AWAY--It's time for the big "Hook the Hawg" contest at the Elochoman Marina, as it begins tomorrow, April 1 and continues through Saturday. With the nice weather forecast, it should be a great time to be out and about. Check with the Wah. Co. Chamber of Commerce or the marina for all the details, and good luck to all those fishermen/women out there! If you're looking for tickets ahead of time, we have some right here in Skamokawa at the Sk. Resort, or if you're in Cathlamet, they have them at Moore's Auto, Bank of the Pacific, at the chamber office or down at the marina, but they can be purchased the day of the event.
FLEA MARKET--The first Saturday of the month always means "bargains galore" down here at the Youth Building within the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds, as they hold their monthly Flea Markets that day. We hope you'll come down and check that out, as there's old stuff and new stuff too, so come and help support the fair and buy some things you didn't even know you needed until you saw them!
THIS SUNDAY--The annual Chicken Dinner held at the Rosburg Community Hall is this Sunday, April 3, so I do hope you can make that. This is a great and super tasty fund raiser for the hall, so if you're looking for a full meal deal complete with dessert, head to Rosburg this Sunday. For more info, call Barbara Rose at 360-465-2234.
FIRST & THIRD TUESDAYS--The Skamokawa Grange #425 will meet this Tuesday, April 5, with their potluck at 6:30 and meeting at 7 p.m., and all are welcome to attend. Check out all their upcoming plans for the building and their future fund raisers as they hope to bring the music back to the hall. The second meeting of the month will be held April 19.
Don't forget, the Cub Scouts meet at the Grange Hall on Friday evenings at 6 p.m., and you're welcome to join them.
FIRST WEDNESDAY--The Sons of Norway members want to invite you to their monthly meeting which is held on the first Wednesday of each month at the Norse Hall on Puget Island. Meetings begin at 7 p.m., and this month's is being held on April 6. All are welcome to attend.
BINGO--On the second Saturday of each month, the Norse Hall is also the place to be as all Bingo lovers like to win cash prizes, and that's what the Sons of Norway give out that evening, so if you're a bingo lover and like cash, this is the place to be! Games begin at 6 p.m., with the doors open at 5:30. Goodies are for sale as well.
67'ers WILL GATHER SOON--Wahkiakum classmates from the year 1967 will meet April 16 at 1 pm., so if you're in the area and want to stop by and chat, or enjoy lunch with us, head to the Duck Inn that Saturday.
VISTA PARK--It won't be long and our "jewel on the river" aka Skamokawa Vista Park, will be brimming with happy campers. A new and most welcome addition will be the new laundromat which will be a big hit for those who hate to go home with a camper/trailer/tent full of dirty clothes! I'm told they're going to have one of those extra big washers included in the new facility, it's going to be great for sleeping bags and such. For those of us in the area, we'll probably want to take those big comforters off our queen and king size beds and take them down there, as they sure don't fit in our own washers, and dragging them to Longview is a pain, so this will be extra nice for us as well.
While you're at Vista Park, be sure to check out the clothing line that they have to offer, which they have in the office, as it looks great and would make for a great gift from Skamokawa as well! There's also coasters and other things so I'm sure you'll find something you'll like.
EASTER WRAP-UP--It was a quiet day for us but the Sechlers and the Nollans got together and shared their day and great meal with 16 family members at the home of Pete and Katie Sechler, so they had a great time. Needless to say, there was ham with all the trimmings and all those wonderful veggie platters and other trays of food that everyone enjoys. Mark and Rhonda Pedersen surprised Ralph and Peggy Pedersen with Easter dinner and a nice visit so that made the day special for them. Cindi Pedersen and Jeff Nicol's headed to cousin Brenda Sargent's house for Easter brunch and along with other Pedersen and Madsen family members, had a wonderful time. I talked to many others who seemed quite content to just stay home and have a quiet dinner with just themselves, so having leftover ham, turkey or chicken was going to be happening for many folks this week I imagine!
SPECIAL-THOUGHTS--With all the news coverage lately about the various terrorist attacks in Europe, it makes one realize how unpredictable life is no matter where you are or what you are doing, as one can be rich or poor, man or woman, any color or of any religion and still find oneself in harm's way by those who are set on causing havoc in our world. For all of those affected by these tragedies, we want them to know that we are thinking of them as they deal with the results of this senseless act.
OUT OF THE PAST--According to my Grandma Elsie Everest, the first few months back in 1959 were busy ones. In January, the Don Wages welcomed a baby boy to their family, whilethe Don Wrights welcomed a baby girl a few days later. Right about that time, Frank Pedersen, son of Krist and Carol (Everest) Pedersen, and his cousin, Norman Ellison, son of Erling and Bella (Pedersen) Ellison and Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Miller's son, Eddie Olsen, enlisted into the Navy. While Frank Pedersen was joining the Navy, his older brother, Ralph was just being discharged. He and his wife, Peggy and two sons, Tim and Mark, were moving to the former home of Max Holland.
There were many people donating things to the museum that would be opening in June with Elsie Everest as curator. These included items by Mrs. Janet Orth which formed the West-Ingram display, while Mrs. Andrew Anderson donated a beautiful cup and saucer display which were over 50 years old. Art Fleming made the wall display cases which included large glass doors, so his workmanship was deeply appreciated. Mrs. Ralph Dodge was taking care of the cut and polished rocks display. Mrs. Dean Prater was in charge of the landscaping. Mayme Johnson finished up the permanent record for the museum, while Ralph Everest was painting away. However, the first group to get a sneak peek of the new Historical Society's museum, happened on Jan. 20, when Mrs. James Knight and her sister, Mrs. Wormbrodt brought their Brownie Scout Troup #28 of 17 down there and checked out the place. (Grand-daughter, Kay Pedersen was a member of this group.) The rains seemed relentless and R. B. Webb, who was a soil conservation employee and unofficial weather statistician, reported that Skamokawa had 59 inches of rain in 87 days, from the period of Nov. 1 to Jan. 26. Twenty of those inches came in January.
Included in this diary, was a note left on the Everest kitchen table from Kay Pedersen (me) to her Grandma Elsie, which said that she had used her telephone to make a call that day to her Mom while she was out. This would not seem like a big deal today, but back then, it was a long distance call from Cathlamet to Puget Island, so running up someone elses phone bill was not to be taken lightly.
In February, the Bill Andersons welcomed a baby girl named Kelly Elaine, with grandparents being the Charley Snyders and the Axel Andersons. The Ray Prestegards, who were living in California, welcomed baby Lane, who joined sister Libby. Grandparents were the Jack Martins and the Archie Prestegards. Sadly that month, a Cathlamet pioneer, Mathilda Hanson, 92 passed away. She and her husband Julius homesteaded out the Elochoman Valley beginning in 1884. Also passing away a few days earlier, was Henry Lindwall, who left behind a son, Harold, two sisters: Martha DeBringas and Lisa Sivakka, two brothers: Paul and Charles and two grandchildren. All this according to the diary of my Grandma Elsie Everest.
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