Wow, this school year is just going so fast, only 2½ more months and this school year ends. The Parent Teachers Organization still has so many things to get done. We have had a wonderful 2015-2016 school year so far and have a few more things planned for this school year. But we need your help! We are currently looking for more parents or volunteers to help us out with some of our up and coming events, as well as to bring some new ideas to the table. Our PTO meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 6 p.m., located in the Multi-purpose room at the elementary school.
We will host a “Spring Blossom Bingo” event on April 29 at 6 p.m., so please mark your calendars. The prices will be $10 for three bingo cards. We will have all sorts of Grand Prizes as well as some beautiful Raffle Basket Prizes to give out. Most of the items will be geared towards all things bright and beautiful for a fresh start to summer fun. We will also have a non-perishable food drive that evening. All proceeds from this help our school GAP program as well as having snacks on hand for the summer months for students that need them. For every two non-perishable food items you bring you will receive one free bingo card. These events help our PTO with the purchase of new classroom equipment, playground equipment, and to plan ahead for field trips and to purchase school supplies for the upcoming school year and to have them available for purchase at the school.
The Scholastic Book Fair, Buy One Get One will be May 13. This is a Friday, but we will be open. This will be our classroom preview day, but all are welcome to seek out really great reads for the fast approaching summer months. New books as birthday presents in the summer will make someone super happy! If you are unable to attend, you can purchase books online and we will still receive credit for it. Information about online purchases will be available soon.
One last thing: If you are able to make a donation towards our Spring Blossom Bingo event, please call me at 360-431-3661 as soon as possible. Perhaps you have a large item that we can raffle off. Now is your chance. Please, everyone’s help is needed to make this a success.
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