Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Emlen, Hoofnagle to speak at Redmen Hall

Skamokawa News

HALF NICE--Last weekend was one of those where you got one nice day to get all your outdoor chores done, and then when Sunday rolled around, it was time to be inside, as it really rained, at least here in West Valley. This was almost surprising as we were down to 28 degrees on Saturday night, so I was afraid we'd wake up to snow if the moisture fell then, but luckily it warmed up rather rapidly and it was just rain that hit about 9 a.m. Astoria however, was basking in much more sunshine than we were. Go figure! By the time you read this, we're supposed to have had several decent days in a row, so I'm hoping that materialized as we could all use a chance to dry out these "webbed feet" of ours!

FRIDAY AM MTG--There will be a group meeting at the Community Center in Cathlamet from 10 a.m. to noon tomorrow, Friday, to discuss walking and bicycling access around our area. They'd like to make maps and propose routes for areas that are safe to do these things.

I am unable to attend this meeting but if I could, I would suggest having a class on "safety" first. The roads in question are meant for cars and so it is the people inserting themselves into this environment that should make every effort to reduce any conflicts between the two, which could greatly impact their lives if they fail to do so.

As an example: Let's take walkers/joggers who wear dark clothing along a busy roadway lined with trees, which produces many dark shawdowy areas. These people are placing themselves in the path of vehicles in apparel which renders them virtually invisible. Also, if by being there it results in a driver seeing you at the last second and swerving in the other lane to avoid you, which could lead to a head on collision, well, that's not so healthy for those drivers (plus possible passengers) either.

So yes, you can jog for your health if you want to, but please don't kill me in the process, as a couple of you have danged near given me a heart attack lately!

FRIDAY IS MOVIE NIGHT--It's a triple Oscar winning classic that will be showing at the Community Center this Friday evening at 7 p.m., so if you don't want to have to travel far to see a movie and have a good time, that's the place to go. Remember, these movies are free and they even have some free snacks for you, so that's a pretty cheap date night! Of course, if you'd like to enjoy some pizza with your movie, Sharon's Pizza will gladly deliver it to you right there at the center and you can watch the movie and have your dinner at the same time. Just call them ahead of time at 795-3311.

THIS SATURDAY--The Friends of Skamokawa want to welcome you to Redmen Hall this Saturday, as they present a dual event, featuring Andrew Emlen and Keith Hoofnagle on the second floor of the hall, in the River Life Interpretive Center, with each sharing one of their own unique specialties. Andrew will share his knowledge of the "Birds of the Lower Columbia" and Keith will present his newly re-released book, which will be for sale and can then be personally signed by this local author and artist. There is no charge for these presenations, which begin at 1 p.m., but donations are gladly accepted, which will go for the continuing upkeep of this historic building and Skamokawa landmark.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Feb. 25-March 2 are Truchet Miller, Judy Garrison, Whitney Kuller, Mary McLaughlin, Wyatt J. Parker, Bryan Linquist, Ray Danielsen, Mary Hanigan, Shelley Olsen, Elliot Johnson, Patricia Songer, Kathy Peek, Ursula Jorgensen, Felicitie Knight, Judy Pedersen and Krystal Ellison. Belated birthday wishes to Vicki Allenback who celebrated her birthday earlier this week!

Those celebrating anniversaries this coming week are Nicholas and Becky Keithley. Here's to all of you enjoying your very special days!

NEW MONTH--As you can see, we've come to the end of yet another month, and even with it being leap year and the extra day this month, the month has just zipped by and it will be March this coming Tuesday. How crazy is that? I know I find it almost impossible to believe as it seems like I just got the Christmas decorations put away, and I've already had to put up and down the Valentine things and here we are, putting up "the green" for St. Patrick's Day on March 17. Just 10 days after that, we'll be celebrating Easter, so I hope you're ready for yet another month that is filled with things to do! Some of the things going on this coming month are: The monthly Flea Market will take place at the Wah. Co. Fairgrounds on March 5. A fantastic showing of the "Best of Wahkiakum Arts/Sciences" of our schools display at Redmen Hall on March 12. A new event, a St. Paddy's Day carnival at the the fairgrounds on March 17, so that should be fun. Then the Fairboard's annual Easter Bingo fund raiser will be held on March 25 at the J.A. Wendt Elementary School in the multi-purpose room, and that's always lots of fun and a great place to win that ham for your Easter dinner, or any other number of prizes, and support a good cause as well. With Easter coming early, don't forget the big Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt that will take place on March 26 at Skamokawa Vista Park.

OVER THE HILL--Be sure to check out a couple of events that will take place on the West end of the county in March, as I see where there is going to be a dinner event at the Appelo Archives Center on March 12, and you can contact Falon Hoven for more information about that at 360-484-7103

Another one will be a St. Patrick's Day High Tea at "Dahlia House B&B," owned and operated by Linda and Brian Elliott. You will need to call ahead for this event as seating is limited. Call Linda at 360-465-2519 to make your reservation and on the big day, you just need to head to Rosburg and head out to 1919 Pillar Rock Road! The 1895 house has been restored and is just gorgeous and with its stunning view of the Columbia River, well, what's not to like? Here's hoping you get to enjoy tea here, or maybe even make a reservation to stay sometime!

The Grays River Valley Center will be the site of a Spaghetti Feed on March 19 and then the GR Friendship Circle will hold a Super Sale there on March 26. So there's a few more things to do if you just happen to have a spare day on your calendar!

GET TOGETHER--Due to family duties, civic duties, illnesses and traveling, many of our usual classmates of the Class of 1967 were unable to attend our get together luncheon last Saturday in Kelso, but the half dozen of us that were able to make it, had a good visit anyway.

With the next month being so busy with the two holidays and all, plus Spring Break for grandkids, etc., we decided to wait until April to meet up again. David West suggested that we gather at the Duck Inn in Skamokawa for that lunch date, and looking at the calendar, I didn't see a whole lot happening on April 19 so we're hoping with a little more advance notice and no holidays, that some of our other classmates will be able to head to our area that Saturday at 1 p.m.

REUNION--Speaking of classmates, all WA-KI-HI alumni need to spread the word to all your former classmates about the upcoming One Hundred Year Commerative, All School WA-KI-Hi reunion that is to take place on Aug. 13 this year! Susan Kuhn is in charge and she could use your help, so please contact her if you can lend a hand with the planning of this big event, as well as providing her with email addresses of fellow alumni, (or mailing addresses if they don't have a computer) so the word gets out there to everyone who went to school here. Contact Susan at and be sure to use something in the subject line that will allow her to know it's about the reunion and not just spam email.

UPCOMING MEETINGS--The Skamokawa Grange #425 will hold their first meeting of next month on Tuesday, March 1, with the potluck gathering at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend. The grange is located at 18 Fairgrounds Road.

The Sons of Norway will hold their first meeting on Wednesday, March 2, at 7 p.m., at the Norse Hall on Puget Island. Again, all are welcome to attend and new members are always welcome. They hold their bingo games on the second Saturday of each month at 6 p.m., with doors open at 5:30 p.m.

SPECIAL DAY SURPRISE--When MacKenzie Pedersen celebrated her first birthday recently, she got a pretty nice surprise as her Grandpa Mark Pedersen flew in from his home here in Washington all the way back to the east coast to the other Washington, to help her celebrate! Grandpa Mark also got to enjoy 'Kenzie's older sister, Bailey and spent many hours pushing wagons, running around in the yard and playing catch, etc., as these two little ones kept him very busy! After several days of enjoying his "far away family," it was time to head back home with lots of wonderful memories of his two adorable little granddaughters and a great time visiting with his son, Adam and his wife, Samantha. Needless to say, all the latest pictures and stories that were shared with great-grandparents, Ralph and Peggy Pedersen, were thoroughly enjoyed as well.


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