The 2016 Wahkiakum Youth Baseball Registration time is here. Boys and girls must be at least four years of age and cannot turn 13 before April 30.
Coordinator Todd Wilson said there will be five divisions of play: T-ball is for ages 4-6, Rookies for ages 6-7, Minors for ages 8-9, Major/Minors for ages 9-10 and Majors for 11-12 year olds as a guideline. Players will be placed at their appropriate level of play.
Games will begin the week of 3/28. Practices will start around March 1. Player fees are $80 per child and $50 for T-ball. A discount of $10 per additional child will be given.
"This year we will be registering online through our affiliation with Longview Youth Baseball," Wilson said. " You will log onto and choose the Registration Open option. You will need to create a user account to register your kid(s)."
When getting to the shirt size, hat size page, parents will use the following promotional code at the bottom of the page: wk98612.
"This will discount your registration fee to $5 online," Wilson said. "You will pay Wahkiakum Youth Baseball directly via check or cash later."
Wahkiakum parents shouldn't pay online; that is only for Longview Youth Baseball players.
There is a $5 per registration fee for the online system, he added. For questions or issues with the online registration process, email Wilson at or call in the evenings 795-0075 for help.
Flyers will be going home with kids from school this week with detailed instructions on the online registration process.
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