The Community Center Calendar of events and activities may be found on the Wahkiakum County Web page titled: Community Center Calendar look under Fast Links then scroll down, the Community Center is under the Flood Hazard and Flood Insurance Links on the right hand side.
For more information on any of the activities listed contact Cheryl at 795-7870, ext. 2.
Friday night movies list will be posted at the library and the community center. For a list of the February movies stop by the library, the community center, or call Cheryl at 795-7870 ext. 2.
Feb. 9 Computer Basics Class, 9-12.
12:30-3:30 Basic Excel. Students are encouraged to bring their own laptops. A few will be available for use.
Feb. 10 & 24 Preschool book and craft time. Preschoolers may hear a story at the library and then do a craft related to the story at the community center. Must be accompanied by an adult.
Feb. 12 Book club from 11-1. Not too late to join, call Joyce Orr 360-430-3968.
Feb. 13 Valentine card making party. Two sessions, make cards and decorate cookies and cupcakes. Session 1: K-4, 9-11:30; Session 2: 5th through middle school and high school.
Feb. 18 Bingo: Prizes will be awarded.
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