Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Christmas at the Grange

Friends braved wind, rain, and a little snow to gather inside a bright and warm Grays River Grange on Tuesday for their annual Christmas celebration.

After everyone tucked into a potluck dinner, a grange member began calling out winning raffle numbers and the Grange Christmas Band led the crowd in a handful of Christmas carols.

Robert Michael Pyle called all the children to the stage for his annual interactive reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas.

"What does a mouse sound like?" he asked.

"Eek!" said one little girl and all the kids made scratching sounds.

Suddenly, Santa Claus was at the door. He made his way to the stage and shared a few minutes with the kids, who were either shy or wanted to hug him. A baby sat quietly on his lap with more poise than most nine month olds could muster.

He might have been the real Santa.

Grange Master Krist Novoselic took a few minutes to share the history of the Grange and to recognize member anniversaries. Though not a complete list, he recognized Pyle, who has been a member for 35 years and Carol Ervest for her 10 years. Tom and Cora Irving and Gordon Oman have been members for 65 years, and Bobby Miller has been a member for 55 years. Pearl Burns was recognized for 70 years of membership.

Novoselic also recognized a former Grays River Grange Master Esther Gregg, who was in attendance. Gregg now lives in Lewis County.

"It was a highlight to be a Granger," Esther Gregg said that evening. "I hope the Grange continues to flourish."

After a raucous and competitive singing of the Twelve days of Christmas, candles were lit, lights were dimmed and Novoselic asked for a moment of silence. In the darkness a woman spoke a prayer for what was, for the new year.


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