The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on October 20th.
In personnel business, Karl Johnson was hired as the drama director.
Two policies were adopted by the board: one addressing complaints against staff and the other regarding use of district cell phones. Four other policies were presented as a first read for discussion only. These were proposed policies on Service Animals in Schools, Gifts/Donations, Grants, and Federal Cash and Financial Management.
The board approved the purchase of 40 Chromebook computers with Rural Grant Funds, not to exceed $19,000 and the purchase of 12 Apple Computers, not to exceed $18,000.
In Naselle Youth Camp news, Superintendent Nelson reported that the DNR program was once again taking residents out on work projects after a temporary suspension of the program to conduct an investigation. Nelson also reported that she had attended a hearing of the Board of Natural Resources to provide testimony on the likely impact of county trust funds due to the Habitat Conservation Plan and acreage set aside for protection of the marbled murrelet.
Principal Karen Wirkkala provided a thorough overview of last spring’s test scores, indicating that most grades performed above the State averages in English/Language Arts and Math.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the middle school commons.
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