Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Most popular hunting seasons of the year open October 17

Most popular hunting seasons of the year open Oct. 17

Some of the most popular hunting in Washington gets underway Saturday when modern rifle deer and waterfowl seasons open across the state.

Duck, coot, and snipe seasons also open Saturday. In addition, goose seasons open in all goose management areas except for Southwest Washington’s Goose Management Area 2A (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz and Clark counties). The exception is the brant season, which will open on selected dates in January.

WDFW has created a hunting prospects webpage ( with the best local information available on what upcoming seasons may hold, said Cope. The reports are written by WDFW district biologists and are organized by game species.

Information on access to more than 1 million acres of private land can be found at the “Private Lands Hunting Access” page ( Hunters can also find information on public or private lands open to hunting by visiting WDFW’s interactive mapping program GoHunt (

Hunting licenses can be purchased at any WDFW license dealer (, online ( or by calling (866) 246-9453.


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