Our local PUD has taken great care in making sure our power stays on, but they have no control over Mother Nature. After a significant natural disaster like a severe earthquake it could take an extended amount of time for our power to be restored to all residents.
There are steps you can take in advance of a power outage to insure you and your family are safe and comfortable.
• If someone in your household has life-sustaining or medically necessary equipment you should register it with the PUD.
• Consider buying a generator. When installing a generator, follow the instructions carefully. Keep your generator outside and run a cord inside. Don’t connect your generator to the main service panel. It is dangerous! Be sure to place carbon monoxide detectors indoors.
• Have a corded telephone available – cordless phones will not work when the power is out.
These are just a few actions you can consider to make your family more comfortable during a power failure. For more information you can refer to the DEM website.
“It is the responsibility of every resident of Wahkiakum County to be prepared and be self-supporting for at least five days after an emergency or disaster, whether it be an earthquake or flood. Our county has a wonderful group of dedicated emergency responders, PUD, public works, deputies, fire and emergency medical services, but in a large scale disaster it is possible that your access to these services may be delayed.
I would like to let everyone know I have scheduled a test of the Emergency Community Notification System for next Monday in the evening. This test will consist of a call to everyone with land line telephones and also to any cellular telephones that have signed up to receive these important messages. If you have not registered your cellular phone please do so by calling me or visiting the DEM website.
I am excited to announce that I will be offering a FREE community disaster preparedness class on October 20 at Johnson Park in Rosburg, 6:30-8:30 p.m., and one on October 27, 6:30-8:30 p.m., located at the River Street Meeting room in Cathlamet. To reserve your seat call me at 795-3242 or 465-2202 renfrob@co.wahkiakum.wa.us.
If you have any questions or for more information on the item I have discussed in this article, contact me at renfrob@co.wahkiakum.wa.us, 795-3242, 465-2202 or visit my website at: http://www.co.wahkiakum.wa.us/dem.html.
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