To The Eagle:
Happy October! Most of us are thinking about fall, pumpkins and Halloween and the ever popular pumpkin spice everything! Here at The Charlotte House, a program of St. James Family Center, we are thinking about raising awareness in our community around the issues of domestic violence.
After a year of high profile domestic violence cases in the media, it shouldn’t surprise us that American’s awareness of domestic violence is on the rise. According to Mary Kay’s 6th annual Truth About Abuse survey, this is what was learned:
• It’s personal: 65% of those surveyed have experienced domestic violence themselves or through someone they know.
• Awareness is on the rise: 53% of those surveyed say their understanding of domestic violence has improved in the past five years.
• Equipped to help: 71% feel confident that they would know what to do if someone they know is in an abusive relationship.
• From awareness to action: 1 in 2 says they would intervene if someone they knew was in a verbally or physically abusive relationship.
Can you remember when you heard about a popular public figure and domestic violence? Have you ever witnessed complete strangers yell or hit each other in public? Do you remember when you realized that you or someone you know was a survivor of abuse? Right now, domestic violence has become something to talk about. Help us keep the conversation open by learning more about the services we provide at The Charlotte House.
If you or someone you know has questions about healthy relationships, please call us. We can help. All our services are free and confidential. We have advocates available and on call 24/7 – 795-6400 or toll free 1-866-795-9381.
Remember – If you are in an abusive relationship:
You are not alone.
It is not your fault.
Help is available.
Susan Schillios
Director, The Charlotte House
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