Greetings from the fair office. As you may all know we had a successful fair. Thanks to everyone who participated in it. We have lots of events scheduled for the off season so if you’re not a friend on the fair's facebook page go there and become our friend. All the events are on this page. We are going to be working on a Website this year.
The next event at the fairgrounds will be the Flea Market on Saturday October 3, if you have not been you should come check out the treasure. There is a little bit of everything. Also on this day is the Columbia River Country Days at the fair, The 4-Hers get together do some demonstrations and can get you information on joining a 4-H club. Also that day the Wahkiakum Fair Foundation will be doing their drawing for the lawn furniture, if you haven't bought your ticket they only cost one dollar and are available from foundation members. They will also be available that day.
Also if you haven't picked up your premium check you can do that from 10 a.m., until noon.
Once again I would like to thank all the Superintendents for all your hard work; the fair was awesome because of you and your hard work so pat yourselves on the back, you did awesome work. With out these hard working volunteers the fair would not be as successful.
Looking ahead to next year’s fair: if anyone has a fair theme suggestion please facebook the fair page so I can get it picked early this year. Also we are going to try and get the fair royalty going sooner so if you are interested please let me know. Thank you to the 2015 Royalty Court Queen Dalaney Cothren and Princess Charly Childers. You two did an awesome job. A huge thank you to Chinook Winds Casino and Resort for the donation they gave for the grand prize for the fair raffle.
The office is on limited hours so if you leave a message I promise I will get back to you.
I know it’s a little early to be thinking about Halloween but I want everyone to remember that we will once again be having a Halloween Carnival and Haunted House. So mark your calendars for October 30, that’s when the spooks will be at the fairgrounds. Watch this article for more details and more events.
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