Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Ship Channel Coffee is still open at park

Skamokawa News

GREAT WEEKEND--The end of last week and the first part of the weekend was pretty nice but we had some rain move in Saturday night and Sunday morning, so things were a little damp around our area. Of course, considering the drought we've had, we'll take all the wet stuff we can get right now, as forecasters are saying that river levels are at their lowest in years and with a drier winter possibly following, this does not bode well for us in many respects. Let's hope they're wrong!

Now that Fall is officially here, you'll notice more trucks out and about, as hunting season is open and if it isn't bow season, it will be rifle season and then it's deer or elk season, so try not to freak out if you see people slowing down and "eyeing" your place, as if you live in the sticks, they are probably just looking for critters.

CORRECTION--I am happy to say that the coffee stand in Skamokawa Vista Park is not closed down for the season, but it has changed its days and hours of operation, so for now, Ship Channel Coffee is still the place to go for your espresso, shakes, smoothies and more! You can visit them from Thursdays through Sundays from 7:30 a.m., to 2 p.m. this month.

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from September 24-30 are Rownen Vegvary, Matthew Keilwitz, Laura Lee Norris, Barbara Shaver, Ken Bunn, Tammy Johnson, Brett Havens, Dillon Hoven, Leah Clark, Linda Newton, Sue Kuller, Carl Linquist, Ron Leingang, Kevin Weaver, Steve Morgain, Blake Anderson, Cheryl Backman, Mary Wingate, Brandon Brown, Lyric Rose, Marie West, Julia A. Wright, Edith Erickson, Karen Healy and Steve and Dawn (Pedersen) Macchione's daughter, Isabella celebrates her second birthday this week! Happy days everybody!

Happy Anniversary wishes this week go out to Chuck and Sheran Parker, Matt and Marsha Helms, Chip and Kathy Perkins, Larry and Linda Spieth, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoven, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bardsley and Mr. and Mrs. Erik Grasseth. Enjoy those special days this coming week!

FOOTBALL--The Mules football team will travel once again this week as they take on Pe Ell this Friday, Sept. 25. Tonight, Sept. 24, the Lady Mules Volleyball team will travel to Onalaska to play but they'll be home on Tuesday, Sept. 29 to host Winlock. Go Mules!

THIS WEEKEND--This weekend has a lot going on, as besides Friday night football, there will be the Harvest Days Vendors Fair at the Elochoman Marina (10 to 4) on Saturday, and right next door, there will be an early Oktoberfest doing at the 38 River Mile Brewery, where they will have live music while introducing a new Fall beer. On the westend, there will be a lasagna dinner fund raising event at the old Rosburg School Cafeteria, now Johnson Park, that evening from 5 to 7:30 p.m.

On Friday evening, Sept. 25. the WHS Class of 1967 will have a "Fireside Chat" potluck dinner at 6 p.m., so if you'd like to visit with them, stop on by. They have changed their meeting spot to the center pavillion in the park, which is not too far from where a couple of them are camping, so this will ensure a nice dry spot and plenty of tables to sit at in case it rains. There is also a nice firepit there, which had been one of five "fountain bowls" from the World's Fair back in the 60's, which was donated by John Gustafson. Very handy indeed!

TRAVELERS--Recently we've had some folks who have been "here and there" and so we were anxious to hear about all their travels. John and Mary Gustafson returned from a hot and super humid Hawaii, where they attended the wedding of John's niece. The wedding was lovely and lavish but way too hot for the Washingtonians to enjoy to its fullest. The remnants of a tropical storm/mild hurricane, meant that the lobby of their hotel sustained some flood damage as did many other businesses and streets in Honolulu, but it seems the locals take this all in stride and things were back to normal in no time. After that, the couple spent several days on the big Island and did many of the tourist activities before traveling home, where they really welcomed the cooler temperatures!

David and Connie Shrum enjoyed their two week travel abroad when they headed to France and England, and spent a couple of weeks enjoying everything that those countries had to offer, which included seeing old friends.

SONS OF NORWAY--Don't forget, the Sons of Norway lodge members will have a potluck meeting on the evening of Oct. 7 at the Norse Hall on Puget Island. Bingo will take place on Oct. 10, which is its usual second Saturday time slot, and you're all invited to stop in and see if you can win one of the cash prizes that are given away; good luck!

LC CALENDARS--The Lions Club members are taking orders for their new calendar now, so if you'd like to have your name listed for birthdays, or anniversaries or for that new grandchild to be added, you need to contact them. Also, if there is an error, or folks have passed on and now need a cross by their name, well, that should be corrected, too. These calendars make terrific Christmas gifts, so I hope you will get in your order right away, along with any additions and corrections that you may have. In our area, Carol McClain is the gal to contact.

PACKED--A drive through Skamokawa Vista Park last Saturday certainly was enlightening, as the place was packed and the new spots along the river were being enjoyed to the fullest. The new, easy access, power and water sites are a big hit amongst the crowd and the new configuration of the area means more spaces are available as well. It was a great addition to the park and it was nice to see it being utilized to capacity.

The central covered area, and the surrounding area, was being used Saturday for the Knutson wedding and with added tent areas and a wonderful, calm, gorgeous day there, it was a perfect place and time for a wedding. Congrats to the newlyweds!

As we came into the park, we happened to spot Sherry McCormack with her grandchildren, so we stopped to visit a minute. Sherry was saying she'd just spoken to sister, Sharon Buennagel in Hawaii and all was well there.

CAMPERS ARRIVE--Three of my former classmates arrived for their week long stay at Vista Park last Sunday, Elaine, Kathy and Shari, and I got to chat with a couple of them on Sunday. Some were not coming until Wednesday, while others weren't coming by until the "Fireside Chat" on Friday. The ones who are here now plan on going to Taco Tuesday at the Duck Inn and then end it there with a late breakfast at 10 a.m., on Saturday, before pulling out on Sunday morning.

I had a nice chat with Elaine Rolf, who was anxious to share news about her new grandson, Beau, who was born to daughter Kim in California in August, and David West shared that he and Kathi had a new granddaughter join the family a couple of weeks ago, so congratulations to the parents and grandparents!

Classmate Kathy Bond Peek will be staying all week long, plus another day, as she will be holding a potluck memorial for brother, Tom Bond on Sunday, Sept. 27, at the covered area/center pavillion, at 1 p.m., and all who knew him are invited to attend.


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