Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Thinking about odds and ends


Our community is coming off a series of well-planned, entertaining and rewarding community events.

Just last week, volunteers and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post put on a fishing derby for veterans, widows of veterans, and children of veterans. Local anglers took them out on the river, and about half caught a salmon. The positive energy of the event was amazing, one skipper told me. Another said, "It might be bigger next year, but it won't be better."

I don't know all the people who were involved, but when people like Bud Mickelsen, John Doumit and Bob Roche get going, the projects get big.

Last weekend, we had the Wooden Boat Festival. One boat traced its design back to Vikings; another had a casual display of brochures and outdoor gear going back to the 1950's or 60's.

And then we had the county fair and the Downhill Corral on the same weekend. Both featured high quality entertainment. I've heard comments that the events competed with each other. My wife and I attended both, and based on my observations, I'd say the fair might have kept some people away from the longboards. It shouldn't be a problem next year: Corral festival Jp Rowan said he's shooting for the third weekend in June to avoid local conflicts.

I am moved by the arrival of refugees in Europe. People fleeing violence in Africa and the Middle East are looking for a better life in Europe. They're bringing talents, and they're suffering in the hands of unscrupulous transport and unwelcoming "nationalist" governments. Kudos to Germany and France for taking the lead to welcome and accommodate them.

One reason Germany welcomes immigrants is that the German population is aging, and they'd like to have younger people to fill their retiree's shoes and keep their economy plugging away.

Hmm. The United States has an aging population. Could immigrants fill a need in our economy? I would think so.


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