Down River Dispatches
About a quarter of an inch of rain fell here in Grays River over the weekend, hardly enough to wet the ground but it sure felt nice. It doesn’t look too hopeful for more coming anytime soon. I see that most farmers are already feeding hay to their animals.
Naselle news
Only a couple weeks left before the new school year begins. Football practice and volleyball practice will begin on the 19th and the 24th respectively, prior to classes starting on August 31st. Teacher work days are scheduled for the 25th through the 27th. Here’s to another fun and successful year.
Westend news
The Grays River Grange Weekly Market is up and running everyTuesday from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Grays River Grange #124 building on SR 4 in Grays River. If you are looking for locally grown produce at reasonable prices, here’s your chance.
The Free Friday Night Movie in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park this week is a new release and is rated R. It is the story of a disgraced member of the military police who investigates a series of nasty child murders during the Stalin-era Soviet Union. The show starts at 7 p.m. Concessions are available with popcorn, pop and candy.
The Westend pantry (food bank) located in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park is in need of volunteers. They are open on Thursdays 1-5 p.m. and are doing a wonderful job of serving the needs of the west end. If you are interested in helping out please call 465-2264.
While we are on the subject of volunteers, is there anyone out there who would like to join the team at the Grays River Valley Center and become our volunteer coordinator? We have lots of ideas, projects and not many bodies to fulfill those tasks. The board meets on the first Wednesday of each month and the meeting time will change to 12:30 p.m. beginning in September.
We are open to new ideas, new projects, etc. and we would love to have you bring a plan before the board members, and to have your help in following through with any projects you may have in mind.
Our library/computer center is open Tuesday through Saturday 1-4 p.m. and we are in need of more volunteers to maintain those hours. If you are interested in helping out please call me at 465-2960.
Sponsorships are available to individuals and families (immediate members) for a nominal fee of $49 per year and $69 per year. A sponsorship entitles you to 24/7 use of the exercise room (gym quality equipment, and pool table) and the gymnasium (unless there is a scheduled event using it).
The building and the grounds are available for rent if you are planning a family reunion, party, wedding reception or shower, etc. We have a commercial kitchen that is also rentable for a reasonable fee. For more info on renting or reserving please contact Toni Fest at 465-2393.
Tickets are now available for the next fundraiser for the Grays River Valley Center. On September 12th, GRVC will host a prime rib dinner. Tickets are $20 each, and dinner will be served in the cafeteria 5-7 p.m. A limited number of tickets will be sold, so get them soon.
The Rosburg Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets every week in the Rosburg Hall for a hot home cooked meal prepared and served by Pat Potter and her volunteer crew. Pat has been doing this service for several years and I for one really appreciate all her efforts.
On Thursdays, senior lunches are also served at the same location and are sponsored by CAP. Meals at both venues are served at noon.
Happy Birthday to Maia Wise, Rhonda Smalley, Carol Ervest, Anna Ehrlund, Colby Engelson, Cathy Francis, Bob Eaton, Alina Ashe, Myka Thompson, Rebecca Strong, Amanda Haataia, Dale Heiner, Michael McIntee, JJ McCullough, Lee Clark, Noah Kent and Rhiana Jacot, Wishing each of you a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to Ed and Amy Hunt, Bob and Judy Paavola, Charles and Sharon Ross, Peter and Nancy McGuire, Travis and Jen Boggs, Glen and Shirley Miller, Scott and Lynn Boyle, Jim and Debee Bauer, Todd and Jan Blanchard and Eric and Ashley Hendrickson. Here’s to many more celebrations together.
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