Thank you, volunteers!
On Thursday, July 9 the Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-tailed Deer (Refuge) had an Adopt-A-Road/Trail event. With the help of four volunteers and the Refuge’s Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) Crew, we were able to clean up the roads and trails that surround the Refuge. In particular we’d like to thank Vicki Bucklin, Ian Chisholm, Carl Berry and Mark Naroth for taking time out of their day to dedicate to the betterment of the refuge. “These folks exemplified how cooperation and partnerships with the local community can better the refuge, community and ultimately the wildlife,” said Refuge Biological Science Technician Kate Brenner, adding “They walked several miles picking up litter and with smiles on their faces the whole time!”
We’d also like to thank Wahkiakum County Public Works for donating cones during the event to ensure the safety of our volunteers and staff. The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is “working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish and wildlife in their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.” Service opportunities like this allow the refuge to accomplish this task more efficiently.
If you would like to volunteer some of your time on the refuge, we would be happy to have you. Here is a list of some of the upcoming service opportunities. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering.
July 21 and August 5: Fencing and Protector Removal. Remove fences and tree protectors of restored riparian forests.
July 29 and August 19: Multi-species Survey. Survey the refuge for a variety of species aurally and by sight. Must be able to bird by ear.
August 18: Adopt-A-Wildwood. Mow/trim around new tree plantings to optimize growth and help restore habitat to its historic forested state.
Julia Butler Hansen, Willapa, and Lewis & Clark National Wildlife Refuges are part of the National Wildlife Refuge System, a nationwide network of lands managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service specifically for wildlife. Over 42 million people visit refuges each year, generating almost $1.7 billion in sales for regional economies.
For more information about these events or Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for Columbian White-tailed Deer contact us at or 360-795-3915 or visit
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