To The Eagle:
If you are considering theft of any kind please consider the following before you act.
Anything you take from someone else without permission or making payment for is theft. This is against the law to say the least. The first thing you need to realize is that whoever owns what you are considering stealing, worked for it. They put in the hours of work or provided exchange for that item. When you steal it you are stealing their honest labor as well as what they bought with their wages.
Now if this does not mean anything to you, then consider this. The person who worked for and earned what you are considering stealing is likely to not appreciate your stealing it, in fact they just might object strenuously! It is not my intent to make threats here but this is a fact that a thief or potential thief should at least consider.
The really funny part of this, if in fact there is any humor involved when someone steals what they have not earned, is that often a thief works harder to steal something and takes a much greater risk when engaging in theft than if you just get a job and earn the money to honestly buy what you want!
For a person with a drug habit, I realize it is hard to hold down a job, if not impossible. There is a solution however, and it is called NARCONON. Look it up online. The statistics of this program are that 97 percent of the people who complete this program stay off drugs and become productive, happy members of society.
Ben Elkinton
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