Sheriff's Corner
It’s time for a reminder about fireworks safety and especially this year with the extra dry weather, it is extremely important that caution is taken when setting them off. Here are some safety tips from
Only light fireworks on a hard flat and level surface to ensure stability. Do not set off fireworks directly on grass. Instead, use a wooden or board of non-flammable material.
When selecting an area, make sure it’s clear of structures, vehicles, trees, dry grass, brush and other flammable items.
When lighting fireworks never put your head or any other part of your body over it.
Perhaps most importantly, keep water everywhere. A garden hose, water bucket and fire extinguisher could come in handy if something goes wrong.
Here is the state law regarding fireworks: Consumer fireworks may be used or discharged each day between Noon to 11 p.m. on June 28, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on June 29 through July 3, 9 a.m. to midnight on July 4, and 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on July 5, 6 p.m. December 31, and 1 a.m. January 1.
Washington State has one of the highest numbers of registered boats in the nation. Boating carries risks for injury. The 2010 Coast Guard national report shows that in the United States:
* Almost 3/4 of all fatal boating deaths were due to drowning; of those, 88 percent were not wearing a life jacket.
* 21 children under the age of 13 lost their lives while boating in 2010, 42 percent drowned.
It is estimated that 85 percent of Washington State's boating-related drowning deaths could have been prevented if the person had been wearing a life jacket. In 2011, alcohol was involved in 20 percent of all reported boating fatalities. Parents of children who do not wear life jackets commonly cite their own proximity to the child and to the life jacket, and the child's swimming ability as common reasons for not requiring their child to wear a life jacket.
Young children should wear life jackets whenever they are around deep water, such as on a dock or on a beach. The majority of drowning incidents occur from small water craft. Washington State's Boating Safety Regulation states: children 12 years of age and under are required to wear US Coast Guard approved life jackets on boats less than 19 feet. The injury prevention community recommends that all passengers and operators wear life jackets on boats, canoes, kayaks, and on rafts less than 16 feet. From the Washington State Injury and Violence Prevention Guide, January, 2013. Please use extreme caution this 4th of July Holiday both with fireworks as well as activities around the water!
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