To The Eagle:
I’m curious as to why there was no national anthem nor pledge of allegiance at the high school graduation last Friday evening. They do it at all the sporting events. Has patriotism gone out of style? Please don’t tell me that it might have offended someone who is not a citizen.
The graduation was, in fact, well done and a nice tribute to the graduates. I just wish they would have paid tribute to this fine country of ours. I hope they appreciate the freedom we have here in America.
I also missed the graduates processing out instead of just being dismissed from the stage.
Michael Nunes
Reader Comments(1)
HughFleet writes:
To Editor My wife and I were proud to have tickets for our granddaughter’s graduation at Arlington High School. The event was very well done even the P.C. police were involved in the setup and that involvement was noticed! The Air Force ROTC presenting the Colors only fell short when the Pledge of Allegiance was absent! What group of people was not offended by this omission of the Pledge of Allegiance? “One Nation under GOD” this was my letter a year ago Everett herald
06/27/2015, 7:43 am