Graduation season is here!
The Naselle Grays River Valley High School Graduation ceremony begins at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 6 at the high school. Baccalaureate will be held on Sunday, May 31 at 7 p.m.
The top two seniors for NGRV’s Class of 2015 are Valedictorian Chloe Zimmerman and Salutatorian Amethyst Wirkkala.
Zimmerman will give the Valedictorian address, Emily Gjovik was selected as the class speaker and Russ Hickman will be the faculty speaker.
The senior class motto is borrowed from Winston Churchill, “Now is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the end of the beginning.”
A week later on Friday, June 12 at 7 p.m., the Wahkiakum High School senior class will gather for commencement in the high school gym. Baccalaureate for WHS is scheduled for Wednesday, June 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school gym.
Speakers have not been determined at this time.
Jessica Thomas is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2015 and Megan Thompson is Salutatorian.
Their motto is “Nobody can do everything but everyone can do something.”
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