To The Eagle:
Suppose you tasked a group of bankers to devise a money system for a nation, a system in which the bankers would have complete control. This leaves it to them to come up with a system that would be very good for bankers but not so good for everyone else or a system that would be beneficial for everyone.
Will they pick a system that is good for bankers instead of one that benefits everyone? History shows that they will do so one hundred percent of the time. Surprised?
The world has swallowed the lie that what is good for the bankers is good for everyone. That is precisely why the world is now being smothered with financial calamity at every turn.
The bankers’ system is a debt based system.
It is not an I Owe You.
It is a You Owe Me.
A debt is attached to every dollar or other denomiation.
And interest is attached.
For Americans, debt is 18 trillion and growing, interest is hundreds of billions and growing for the federal government only.
And we are supposed to be pleased?
What more proof do we need that their system is forever unworkable?
Gilbert Vik
Puget Island
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