Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Agencies are not voted on by public

To The Eagle:

Our state government and the 19th district who we elect is no longer a representative government that earlier and worthier hands had gathered for us.

What remains the duty of who we elect is defense and preservation of our government that was built by worthier hands. Our representatives proper business is improvement, not to give their responsibilities as elected representatives away to the agencies that they create and are not elected.

Thousands of rules and regulations are made each year by these agencies and most are not voted on. When the minority party has tried to take back this power from the agencies the vote was stopped by the Democrats who for far too long have not taken their job as our representatives to the best interest of the people they are supposed to serve.

Most voters in this state and district 19 suppose these elected representatives to be what they wish them to be and there are some who vote for these people because they do not want most of us represented.

Hugh Fleet

South Bend

Editors Note: Hugh Fleet was an unsuccessful candidate for the Legislature in the last election.


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