Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Parents of incoming kindergarteners to meet

All parents of students that will start kindergarten in the Fall of 2015 are invited to an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 21 at 6:30 p.m., at St. James Family Center, 1134 Columbia St., Cathlamet. There will be child care provided at no cost to make it easier for parents to attend. Packets for kindergarten registration will be shared.

This meeting is for all families of kindergarten eligible students, even if they are not enrolled at the family center. This will be an opportunity for parents to ask any questions they may have. At this time there will also be a discussion of expectations for students entering kindergarten and goals that the district has for students during their kindergarten career. Registration packets will be shared. Parents are asked to bring immunization records and birth certificates if they need copies made. Facilitators are able to make copies that evening so they can be attached to the kindergarten registration packet.

Facilitators are looking forward to building a strong relationship with school and home early on. People planning to attend are asked to call Janine Oman or Corissa Blix at 795-3261 or MaryAnn, Vicki or Charl at 795-8612.


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