Skamokawa News
MIXED WEATHER--Last weekend was a mixture of sun, rain, wind and even some hail thrown in. Some got more sun than others so I guess it depended on where you were. By the time you read this we're supposed to all be basking in a string of sunny days and warm temperatures.
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from April 16-22 are Logan Britt, Dan Keilwitz, Brock Cothren, Max Schmitz, Lori Smith, Reggie Bonny, Leota Souvenir, Mike Brown, Jack Burdick, Darci Francis, Nancy Granger, Jeri Pierce, Rochelle Stensland, Eric Bergseng, Cleave Hedman, Lisa Cothren, Nathan Frink, Gwen Ronninghaug, Sandra Peterson Davis, Greg Lloyd, Sue Edminster and Joel Peterson. Hope all of your birthday celebrations are terrific!
Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson and Steve and Dawn Macchione, who will be celebrating their first anniversary this week but who I mistakenly listed last month. Sorry about that!
THIS SATURDAY--Earth Day, April 22, will actually be celebrated this Saturday. If you opt to plant a tree in celebration, make sure you plant it where it is safe and where it has room to grow. We often see well meaning people plant a multitude of things that wind up being total nuisances as the plants get bigger. Planting the proper bushes and trees or other foliage is something folks really need to think about before they go to all that work only to find out that they will need to be moved in a couple of years.
CONCERT--The turnout for the Second Sunday Concert at Redmen Hall last Sunday was a little less than expected, but for those who did show up, they truly enjoyed it. Hopefully the next one will see a bigger turnout. Our very own Kerrie McNally will perform for you on May 10, so we hope to see a good crowd at Redmen Hall at 2 p.m. that day!
GREAT TIME--It was a fun group of 67'ers who got together last Friday for a good gab fest in Longview. Several of our classmates have had some surgeries and were recuperating and others were ill and of course, many are just too far away to attend, but it's always nice to have them email and send their hellos to everyone. With a little luck, maybe we'll see those folks at the All School Reunion next year, on August 13 at WA-KI-HI. We had a nice visit with our world traveler, as Sandra Peterson Davis was home. She said she's been in 30 countries now and we all enjoy traveling with her via pictures she posts on Facebook. Also there this week were Keith Lawrence and wife Karen, David West and wife Kathy, Dale Jacobson, LeeAnne (Elaine) Rolf, Nancy Jacobson Brady, Pam Below Lazor, Judy Lindwall Bergman and our classmate that traveled the longest distance to attend, Kathy Bond Peek, as she drove down from her home an hour north of Seattle. Kathy said she recently met with fellow classmate Greg Lloyd and they had a nice visit. Talk of a group excursion to the north was brought up and will be mulled over at a later date.
Next month we will meet on May 8 at 1 p.m., at The Masthead on Ocean Beach Highway in Longview. We hope to see as many 67'ers as possible next month. It's been great fun!
This fall the 67'ers will have a Fireside Chat at Skamokawa Vista Park on September 26, so you're welcome to bring a dish and come sit by the fire and visit with those that are camping out there that week.
NOT SO GREAT--One of the things I had to deal with last weekend was the absence of my long distance as well as internet. It goes without saying that I have sorely missed all my usual ways of connecting with people, so if I haven't answered your email or contacted you, having no service would be the reason for that.
LONG TRIP--Several members of my family met with other county residents and had an interesting and fun time in Utah last week. While some enjoyed the Jeep rides and adventures, others headed to the cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde, which is in Colorado. On the way, Bill, Brandon and Debbie Chamberlain stopped at Four Corners, which meant that a step one way or the other had them in either Utah, Colorado, Arizona or New Mexico. While in Utah the weather was cold at night and that area also saw some snow, wind warnings and other wild weather, but most of their travel time wasn't too bad.
FLYING BY--With half of April gone already, it means we'll soon be in a frenzy of activities in our area.
A couple of biggies next month will be the concert at Redmen Hall, Mother's Day, the Great White Tail Run and the Rods and Reels Car Show at the Fairgrounds.
In June we'll have high school graduations, Father's Day and the big annual garage sale on Puget Island, which coincides with the tri-tip steak sandwiches and garage sale at the Norse Hall and the Vendor's Market at the Skamokawa Grange. If you're in to horses you might want to take part in the Silver Buckle series with the first of three events being held on June 27.
Everyone and every ogranization is urged to take part in Bald Eagle Days in mid-July, so get your names submitted to the Chamber of Commerce so they can make room for you. If you'd like to make a donation towards the fireworks and other things provided by the chamber call 795-9996 and speak to Shannon Gildea. Horse lovers will once again be meeting, this time on July 25 for the second event of the three part Silver Buckle Series that will take place at the Wahkiakum Fairgrounds.
In August it's Wahkiakum County Fair time, Aug. 20-22, and as always, they want to see you there with your exhibits. "Boots, Buckles and Barrels of Fun" is this year's theme. Also, the last of the Silver Buckle Series will take place on Aug. 22. Also in August is the Downhill Corral event, which takes place with all the skateboarders and longboarders in Cathlamet. There are a lot of other things going on as well, so there is absolutely no reason to hear anybody say "There's nothing to do around here!"
ANNIVERSARY GATHERING--Ralph and Peggy Pedersen celebrated their 60th anniversary with 10 members of their family which included their sons Tim and Mark (Rhonda) Pedersen, Ralph's two siblings, Frank (Carolyn) and Kay, along with Peggy's brother Roger and wife Jo, at the Duck Inn last Saturday. Everyone enjoyed a great meal and a good visit, which was capped off by going to the Ralph Pedersens and topping the meal off with a delicious cake provided by Mark and Rhonda from Lareson's bakery in Vancouver. We all agreed, that was one mighty fine cake with multiple layers of cake, custard and frosting, which was absolutely divine!
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