The Community Garden is waking from its winter slumber with a work party on April 18th, Saturday from 9 a.m. to whenever we are worn out. Already some onions (yummy Walla Walla) have been planted in the section grown for the donation to local food banks to distribute. The raspberries have been pruned and fertilized along with our donated blueberry plants. Weeding and rototilling will be done on work day to prepare for more planting in the Food Bank section and for individual plots, too.
Several individuals have already begun to clean up their plots of winter debris and are readying to plant.
There is no charge for an individual to use a plot. All that is required is to keep the plot weeded and worked throughout the gardening season. Organic liquid fish fertilizer that was donated in previous seasons by Pacific-Gro Standard has been allocated to each plot user if wanted.
We can always use volunteer help in the gardens, so if you have a desire to get down and dirty, please join us April 18th at Erickson Park on Columbia Street in Cathlamet in the Wahkiakum Community Garden.
For use of a plot for the season, contact:
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