Happy Spring Everyone! Just a couple of things going on for the rest of this month and some doings for the upcoming month.
We are pleased to announce that the JA Wendt PTO Talent Show will be held this Friday the 20th of March at 6 p.m. Tickets are one dollar at the door. We will have some concessions but will close before the start of the show. So come on down and show all of our many talented entrants your support and give them a wonderful warm applause. I believe that this is only the first of many. We have so much talent in this community. One last reminder for those that will be a participant in the show please be at the gym for line-up at 4 p.m.
Popcorn Friday will be on Friday March 27. Scrumptious warm buttery bags of popcorn are $1.00. So please send a dollar with the kids to school the week of March 23-27 to give to their teacher to purchase a bag. We are also placing one nice surprise in one bag of popcorn per classroom at random. So tell them to cross their fingers that they will get the “lucky bag.” Last month’s “Lucky Winners” received a special surprise donated from our wonderful friends at the Bank of the Pacific, so if you were one of those winners and you go in there, please say “thank you” to them, they are just a great bunch of ladies there. This month we will be thanking all our friends at the High School Pharmacy for their special gifts.
We will also be hosting “Movie in your Jammerz” night on March 27 and will be showing “Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good, Very Bad Day! Wow! Super funny, great for all ages. It will start promptly at 6 p.m. So get your jammies on, grab a comfy blanket and pillow and come on down to the JA Wendt Multi-purpose room, with your friends and family and enjoy this amazingly funny movie. Concessions will be available.
And last but not least we are planning a full month of Fridays “Goosebumps Series.” We will be showing these in the month of May. So please keep an eye out in The Eagle paper for the list of shows we will be playing as well as dates and times.
Thank you to all the volunteers and the community members who help to make our PTO strive for Excellence!
Bobbie J. Gaines
PTO President
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