Down River Dispatches
News from Naselle:
Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week: Friday, JV basketball at Oakville at 4 p.m., girls basketball at Oakville at 5:45 p.m. followed by boys basketball at 7 p.m .; Monday, middle school basketball at South Bend at 5:45 p.m .; Wednesday, middle school basketball with Raymond in Naselle at 5:45 p.m. Go Comets!
Head on over to the Naselle High School Commons this Sunday, for the annual Valentine Smorgasbord sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary Deep River Post #111. For more information please call 360 465-2234.
Westend news:
Looking for some yummy, hearty beef stew, delicious cheesy bread, beverages and dessert? Check it out at the Grays River United Methodist Church social hall on February 28 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This annual event is sponsored by the Friendship Circle. Also available for your shopping pleasure is their always fabulous bake sale as well as new and re-purposed items for sale. As usual this year, takeout meals will be available. The meal is by donation, and the baked goods and other items for sale are reasonably priced.
The church is located on State Route 4 near milepost 18, on the hill above the Grays River Café. For information on the event, phone 360-484-7749. To call in orders the day of the event, call 360-465-2391.
Interested vendors and individuals who would like to participate in a Community In-Door Super Sale in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park on March 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. should contact Cheryl Dutcher at 360 465-2740 for all the details.The proceeds from this fund-raiser for the Center will be used for ongoing operating costs for the building and grounds. The cost for table space is just $10.
Hot dogs and hamburgers will be available for purchase during sale hours in the cafeteria and will be provided by GRVC. Bake sale items will also be available for sale in the cafeteria and are provided by the Friendship Circle of the Grays River United Methodist Church. Bryon Parrino of the Naselle Massage Clinic, with his magic hands, will be part of the event as well.
The West End Food Pantry is open on Thursdays in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park on the north end of the building. Their hours are 1-5 p.m. For more info contact Suzie Whalen, Shonda Ware or Linda Ramsay.
Hours for the Grays River Valley Library /Community Computer Center have been increased to include: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 1-5:00 p.m. and Thursday and Saturday 1-4 p.m.
Don't forget the Free Friday Night Movie this week is a kid friendly show for the whole family. The movie starts at 7 p.m. and concessions are available including popcorn, candy and pop.
On the fifth Friday of each month that includes one, we will be serving pizza in the concession stand. Last Friday was our first time offering pizza, and it turned out to be quite a hit. Steve and Linda Ramsay did a great job of personalizing the pizzas for everyone who wanted one.
For those of you who took advantage of our Saturday morning breakfasts at the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park in the past, we have another one scheduled for February 21 and we will be serving 8-10 a.m. More details to come.
The next big fundraiser for GRVC at Johnson Park will take place on March 21. Our 3rd Annual Spaghetti Feed, with our guest chef, who will celebrate his 90th birthday the week before the event, should be lots of fun. Advance tickets are now available from Johnson Park Advisory Board members for $12 per person. The price of the ticket includes one glass of wine with your dinner of spaghetti with meatballs, salad, bread and dessert. For more information or to order tickets please call 465-2960 or 465-2731.
I want to thank the American Legion members who put together another successful Crab and Oyster Feed last Saturday night. The place was packed with happy folks, and they were all enjoying delicious food, good music and good fun. I called Dale Rose and asked if I could come and pick up our food since my husband wasn't feeling up to going out, and he said sure. The food was wonderful, and as always plenty of it. Thank you again for letting us enjoy crab and oysters and support such a great organization.
It was a wonderful, sunny day last Friday and the gym, the library, the halls, the cafeteria and even the parking lot was filled with the laughter of children. What a beautiful sound to hear in the halls of the old Rosburg School, and I'm sure it brought back memories for some of the parents.
The pre-school class that meets at the Valley Bible Church, taught by Becky Erickson came to the Grays River Valley Center for a field trip last Friday. They arrived mid morning and had a chance to try out the new adjustable basketball hoops in the gym for about 40 minutes, and from there they went to the library/computer center for a meeting with Deputy Gary Howell and his deputy, Dakota, the drug dog. They had the opportunity to learn a little bit about what an officer does and were able to ask him questions, as well as pet Dakota.
The children were then allowed to go into the parking lot to check out all the neat bells and whistles in one of the sheriff's rigs. They all had their photo taken in front of the rig with Sheriff Mark Howie, the deputy and all the other family members who had accompanied them. As an added note, the two mud puddles in the parking lot seemed to be a magnet to all the younger members of the group. Isn't it fun to be young?
After all the excitement, they retired to the cafeteria for their lunch break. It was such a wonderful sight to see the room filled with kids. Thank you, Becky for giving us the opportunity to host this fun trip for the kids. Hope to see you again next year.
Happy Birthday to the following: Stacey Trimble, Marco Colombo, Joyce Thornburg, Darrill Corbin, Michael Ehrlund, Blake Nikolas, Kelsi Jo Baker, Lara Peterson, Jim Laney, Abbie Laine, Austin Crozier, Leo Saari, Emily Strong, Wes Raistakka, Amy Hunt, Phyllis Sotka and Stanley Rangila. Wishing each of you a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to Bud and Wendy Strange. Wishing you many more celebrations together.
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