CAP & AARP Tax Aides expecting
confusion due to new health care plans
Lower Columbia Community Action Program (CAP) and the AARP Volunteer Tax Aides are partnering again this year to provide free tax assistance in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties, starting with “Super Refund Saturday,” January 31, at the Longview Public Library, 12:30-4 p.m.
Following Saturday’s launch, a free tax clinic will be offered at Cathlamet Monday, February 9, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Wahkiakum Health and Human Services, 42 Elochoman Valley Road. Call for appointment—795-8630.
Navigators will be available to assist people in signing up for a health plan.
This year is going to be particularly challenging due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), said Autie Bergman, District Coordinator for AARP Tax Aide of Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Counties.
“Along with the benefits the act has provided to people who previously did not have health care, there is a lot of confusion,” said Bergman. “Some people are in for a rude shock.”
The main confusion is about penalties if one has not elected to get health insurance. If people do not have health insurance through their employer, or Medicare, they need to sign up for a health plan before February 15, or face additional penalties for their 2015 taxes.
“People think that they will only need to pay $95. But the Individual Responsibility Payment (penalty) is $95, or 1% of one’s gross income, whichever is higher,” said Liz Myntti, manager of CAP’s Financial Independence Center. “And that is for each person in the household.”
For example, if there are three people in a household who do not have health insurance, there will be three penalties to pay ($285) or 3% of the household’s gross income, whichever is higher.
“Plus, the penalty will increase next year if people do not sign up for health care by February 15 of this year,” said Myntti.
Open enrollment each year is between November 14-February 15.
To assist people in signing up for health insurance, In Person Assisters (also called Navigators) from the Marketplace (Exchange) will also be available on Super Refund Saturday at the library in Longview.
After Saturday, people can contact the Family Health Center (360-636-3892), who manages the Marketplace for Cowlitz County.
The annual partnership between CAP and the AARP Tax Aides provides free tax assistance to people of all ages and income levels.
People should bring with them:
· Copy of last year’s income tax return(s)
· W-2 forms from each employer
· Unemployment compensation statements
· SSA-1099 form (if received Social Security benefits)
· All 1099 forms showing interest and/or dividends and documentation showing original purchase price of sold assets.
· 1099-MISC showing any miscellaneous income
· 1099-R form if you received a pension or annuity
· All forms indicating federal income tax paid
· Dependent care provider information (name, employer ID, Social Security number.)
· All receipts or cancelled checks if itemizing deductions
· Social Security cards or other official documentation for yourself and dependents.
· Photo ID
For more information, call CAP's Financial Independence Center at 360-425-3430, ext 248.
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