Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

St. Lucia Day this Friday

The Appelo Archives Center will host a day of events on December 13. This day is celebrated in Scandinavian countries as Saint Lucia Day. Children dress in white and carry candles and bright stars to bring the light back to the dark north winter. The oldest daughter in the family wears a wreath of candles and carries a tray of saffron buns to the parents for breakfast in bed as they sing Christmas carols.

This tradition comes from a second century Sicilian saint who died a martyr's death. Lucia devoted her life to those who were being persecuted for becoming Christians. Nordic countries often recognize celebrations, such as Sankta Lucia Dag, to return light to the world.

The Archive Center will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. with vendors and a visit from Santa, concluding with Saint Lucia and singing carols. Children are invited to participate.

--Submitted by Kayrene Gilbertsen


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