Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Grays River Grange Christmas Party set

Skamokawa News

CLEAR AND CRISP--I hope you're all weathering the freezing temperatures that we've been having lately, as it's definitely been crispy out there! If you're out here in the sticks like we are, I hope you've been able to keep your water running and haven't frozen up, as the sun can fool a person into thinking it's warmer out there than it really is; not to mention, some shady parts where water systems are often located, never get thawed out at all, so it's easy to forget to leave the water running and then, oops, you're froze! With temperatures in the teens out here in West Valley, it's definitely feeling like Winter, rather than Fall. The hills around us were covered in snow, as were many areas close by, but that's one thing we didn't get this weekend, which didn't hurt my feelings any! They say rain is due by the time you read this, so now we'll hope we don't go into flood mode!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Dec. 4-10 are Mackenzie Allen, Hank Bassi, Dennis Reid, Kitty Speranza, Carol McClain, Ian Anderson, Marie Snow, Gary Bergseng, Justin Watkins, Chris Barnes, Diane Eaton Frank, Chase Wallin, Collin Parker, Amy Prestegard, Todd Souvenir, Jai Snow, Julie Doumit, Derek West, Louis Recupero, Mark Pedersen and Gabe Pedersen.

Celebrating their anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vik, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vavoudis and George and Judy Wilde. Enjoy your special days!

THIS SATURDAY--Congratulations to Sharon Buennagel and hubby, John for their 10 years in the pizza business. They will be celebrating by having some freebies at their shop on Saturday and a drawing for a prize, Sharon said, so stop by and celebrate with them. Even better, buy some gift certificates as stocking stuffers and support them for supporting our community. Another great way to shop small, shop local!

THIS SATURDAY NIGHT--If you're looking for some live music, the Duck Inn will be having some this Saturday night, so instead of karaoke with Glen Crown, like they usually have on Fridays and Saturdays, on this particular Saturday, they will be showcasing the band, "Crazy Ivan" from 9 to 1, so come and check them out.

THIS SUNDAY--The Sons of Norway hope that you will come and see Santa at the Norse Hall this Sunday from 2 to 4. It is asked that all children be accompanied by a parent. It is hoped that they will bring their cameras and take advantage of this opportunity to take a picture with Santa; always such great memories to look back on! The kids will be able to make some crafts while they are there, as well as get a treat bag when they leave, so hop on over to Puget Island this Sunday afternoon!

ON TUESDAY--The Grays River Grange #124 is extending its yearly invitation to all to join them at their traditional Christmas Party next Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 6:30 p.m., at their grange hall. The evening begins with a potluck dinner, then some singing and a gift exchange. If you want to take part, just bring a gift and mark it "man or woman," whichever you are, not to exceed $5. If you have a child, bring a gift for them with their name on it so Santa can pass it out. Then Bob Pyle will be doing his reading of the "Night Before Christmas" which the kids always enjoy as they gather around him. You are also asked to bring some non-perishable items for the food bank, and remember, you do not need to be a grange member to come and enjoy the evening.

GET WELL--I am hearing about a lot of folks who are coming down with a "bug," like Sandie Y., Brian O. and Mark W., so I do hope you'll all get better, and hopefully be able to stay home and away from everybody else until you feel better, as that is one "gift" nobody would want right now! I'm also sending some get well wishes to my nephew, Mark Pedersen, as it seems he made a trip to the hospital this week, as did Tracy Ostling Tomlinson, so we hope she gets to feeling better as well. My brother, Frank and his wife have both been ill, so they didn't enjoy Thanksgiving at all, and with Christmas not too far off, we certainly hope everybody is A-OK before the parties and family gatherings and other celebrations begin. We also heard that Tillie Kehrli was taken to the hospital so lots of get well wishes and prayers were said on her behalf, and we heard she was doing much better, so that was good to hear. We hope she's home soon!

THANKS--I have to give a big "thank you" shout out to all my friends and family who have been so kind to offer their help while I'm dealing with my own aches and pains, as it seems my back opted to go out on me this past weekend. It's one of those things that seem to happen when you are at your busiest and now have to go at a snail's pace, when you really need to be going at bunny rabbit speed! I am feeling better now and as long as I don't go crazy and start lifting things, like Christmas trees, well, I think I will be just fine. Slow and steady is the name of the game at this point. Needless to say, I sure appreciate the good thoughts and wishes.

MULES--The Mules boys basketball team will be playing their first home game tonight, Thursday, Dec. 4, against Adna, while the Lady Mules will play them the following day in Adna. Next Tuesday, the boys travel to PeEll to play and the Lady Mules will be at home playing them, so we hope you're able to make a game and cheer on our mighty Mules!

The first time the Mules wrestling team is at home is on Dec. 20, which is called "The Down River Challenge" so if you're into wrestling, there's your chance to watch a few matches. The schedule is not complete so you may want to check the WHS website for updates. It goes without saying that if there is a major weather event, a game or match could be canceled, so when in doubt, call the school.

GREAT START--Tessa Sechler started out her senior year on the Ballard High School team with a win, and a well-played game personally, so that was good to hear. Her Dad said she'd been taking a bit of a break from basketball so he was happy she hadn't lost her touch on the court. This grandma is hoping that the weather co-operates and I'm able to go up and catch a game or two before her high school basketball days are over.

THANKSGIVING--It was a great Thanksgiving for many folks in our area as pictures of tables and counters full of delicious looking pies, turkeys and other goodies were popping up all over on the computer. Ralph and Peggy Pedersen were one couple who had a nice Thanksgiving, as their sons brought dinner with them, complete with dessert, and with all the leftovers, it was "freeze a meal" time for the couple, so they could have turkey dinners several times later on! The Pete Sechlers had a dozen members of the Sechler/Nollan family at their place in Seattle and naturally, they all enjoyed a wonderful feast together. Brandon and Deb Chamberlain hosted Deb's family over at their place, while Bill and I had daughter, Lisa and son, Brian (Tina) and his sons here, so there was plenty of chowing down in this family. I was especially happy to have grandson, Austin, as he's been away at college, so we enjoyed having him come and spend some time with us before having another wonderful dinner with his Mom, Felicitie and another set of grandparents and friends as well. Good thing he has a hollow leg! David and Connie Shrum held Thanksgiving here with her Mom and brother, Jeff and his family, with a smoked turkey as their main course. Later on, John and Mary Gustafson and the Bill Chamberlains came over for a visit and enjoyed some of their pumpkin and pecan pie, which was mighty tasty, and so nice of them to share! I saw where the Speranzas tried a new way to fix turkey this year; they braised it; and not only did it look good, they said it was the best way to fix it. Now I might just have to try that out for next year myself!

REDMEN HALL--Don't forget, there are still many fine books, scarves, jewelry and trinkets to buy at Redmen Hall with special entertainment now and then during their Holiday Open House. For more details, contact the hall from noon to four, Thursday through Sunday at 795-3007.

SAD TIMES--Once again we have lost one of the "good guys" in our area, as Roland, better known as Rolly, Armstrong has left us after suffering a heart attack on Thanksgiving evening. It seemed like Rolly was everywhere and those of us on Facebook, loved to hear of his travels around town, from place to place, from one fund raiser to another, and even if you didn't know who he was, he was probably the guy you saw laughing and smiling and giving everyone hugs; just a wonderful guy! If there was one thing we should all wish for, it would be for more people to act like Rolly did; a kind, loving, happy individual, who spread cheer wherever he went and would gladly do for others if he could. It is a sad day for all of us that he is gone, but now he is with his wonderful Ginny, and I can just see heaven lighting up a little brighter with the two of them together. To his family, we offer our sincerest sympathies for their loss, but we hope they will take comfort in the knowledge that he was loved by all who knew him and that's not something that can be said about everybody.

OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1944, it was rainy and nasty the first three days but then it turned clear and cold for the rest of the week. It was fun and merriment time for the lodge members of Pocahantas, Walllula Council No. 45, as they held their Christmas party that week, so that Ruth Hanigan could enjoy it as she was leaving for California the following week. It was also a birthday celebration with members, Katie Lund and Bertha Shuster being the honorees and home made cake and cookies and candy were enjoyed by all. There was a very short official meeting before the potluck was served and the tables were brimming with goodies, which didn't reflect any shortages due to war rationing. This year the ladies did not exchange gifts but instead, wrapped a gift item that would then be sent to the Washington Children's home. Besides the forementioned ladies, those present were Mathilda Hansen, Nevada Shamley, Odessa Osborne, Lillian Anderson, Jane Akers, Elizabeth Hendrix, Ellen Foster, Mary Irving, Marie Larsen, Mary Ann Risk, Adelade Monroe and Elsie Everest. As feared from the week before, Gene Healy did indeed have whooping cough and his sister, Donna was sent to stay elsewhere for a few days, while Marian Healy announced she would have to quit working at the telephone office to stay home and care for him. During those clear days, it was also extremely foggy; so much so that the river was lined with ships as they could not see to navigate it. Mel Gorman stopped by to visit and had seen the Everest's son, George and so he gave them the latest news about his whereabouts. The smelt run was going into full gear as Krist and Carol Pedersen headed to Kelso to begin operations up there. A big scare for the Pedersens that week as one year old son, David fell in the slough on one of those clear, cold days. After a dinner at the Pedersens, Grandma Everest brought home the "waste fat" which she sold for "red points." It seems they were all out.

In 1949, there were just two wet days while the rest were clear and nice but cold. The state okayed a phone rate increase that week but was only part of what the company had requested. It was a very busy time in the telephone office. Grandma Elsie was busy sewing, visiting friends and neighbors, making out cards and wrapping packages. There were also many holiday parties to attend such as the Rebekahs, the Pocahontas and more.

The first week in 1964 was a mix of rain, smelly fog and clear but cold days. The Mules played Toutle Lake in basketball that week but lost by just three points. This was a big day for the telephone service as direct dialing service was put in and Grandma Elsie was thrilled to make her first call to her son George in California. The call went right through without a hitch. Mayme Johnson took Grandma Elsie to Skamokawa for their Kris Kringle event that week. Son-in-law, Krist Pedersen, took the Everests in to Longview to finish up their Christmas shopping and wound up eating at Noltens restuarant and visited with Mrs. Zollner. The Home Ec. club met at Kerstetters and they had a nice time and big crowd there. Instead of exchanging gifts amongst themselves, they had "adopted" a needy family of nine and gave presents and food to them for the holidays. It was time for many cards to arrive and visits by friends, like Blanche Bradley and others and cute cards by grandsons, Tim and Mark Pedersen were a real treasure. All this according to Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.


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