To The Eagle:
We would like to give a great big thank you to all of the people that volunteered and helped us with the Scholastic book fair, and another big thank you to those of you that helped us reach our $3000 goal. We made it! With this we will be able to purchase some new books for our school library and a few extras for the classrooms. We are so excited about this. We will be painting the library during the Christmas vacation session and new books will just be a great touch to this. We are looking for a few volunteers to do this. If you are available or could even help out with the purchase of the supplies please email Bobbie Gaines at with any questions or you can send donations to P.O. Box 398, Cathlamet, WA 98612 care of the Parent Teachers Organization.
I would also like to announce the opening of the new school bookstore. It will only be open on Mondays from 8:05 till 8:25. We only have the necessities such as pencils, paper, folders, markers, poster board, and a few other things. The prices range from 10¢ to $1.75.
We would also like to mention that a new tire swing will be installed, weather permitting, sometime in January. If you are able to possibly help out with the installation of this please contact me as well. You can never have too much help!
The PTO has monthly meetings the second Monday of every month at 6 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of the elementary school. We are always in need of parents to help in coming up with new ideas to make this a fantastic school year and many more to come.
I would also like to mention that the big yellow Share-A-Sole tote will be available on December 4 to start collecting some gently used or new tennis shoes for students that may have forgotten to bring their’s for gym or otherwise needed. Kids grow fast and we all need a good pair of running shoes, so if you have any just lying around, please feel free to send them to school; we will handle the rest.
The GAP food program is currently holding a food drive from December 1-10. The classrooms are having a competition, so let’s give them a hand. Please send any unused, non-perishable items you may have to the school with your child or even your neighbor’s children. You can also drop off at the school. Donations are also welcomed. Checks can be made out to the GAP program. If you have any questions regarding this program please feel free to contact Lisa Sauer at JA Wendt.
We will also be hosting a “Movie in Your Jammerz” night on Friday, December 19 at 6 p.m. We will be watching “Maleficent” so put your pajamas on and bring your favorite blanket and pillow or special chair and let’s watch a move in our “Jammerz!” The cost will be $1 per person. We will have concessions popcorn, canned soda and theater-style candy to purchase. There will also be raffle tickets being sold for a chance to win a family movie gift basket. The students may purchase tickets for $1 beginning the week of December 8. The drawing will take place after the movie, and you do not need to be present to win.
One last thank you to all who are so committed to helping our students be the best they can be! And for the principal and teachers who are so committed in making this happen. Thank you!
Bobbie J. Gaines
PTO President
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