Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

WDFW seeks nominations to advisory group on implementation of state's Hydraulic Code

OLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is seeking nominations to a citizen group responsible for advising the department on implementation of the state's Hydraulic Code, which is designed to protect fish life in Washington waters.

The department will select as many as 12 individuals to serve two-year terms on the Hydraulic Code Advisory Group, with new terms beginning in January 2015. Advisors will provide guidance to WDFW on issues related to implementation of state rules that regulate construction projects and other work in or near state waters

Common projects requiring approval under the state's Hydraulic Code rules include work on bulkheads, culverts, piers and docks.

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission recently updated those rules to reflect developments in environmental science, technology, and state law since the last comprehensive update in 1994.

"Now that the state rules have been updated, our focus has turned to putting them into practice," said Randi Thurston, WDFW habitat protection division manager. "As we move forward, we need a sounding board that reflects a variety of interests."

The department's goal is to attract qualified candidates concerned about fishing, the environment and the individuals, businesses, and other organizations affected by the state's Hydraulic Code rules.

The advisory group will meet approximately four times each year. Advisors, who serve without financial compensation, will also be asked to provide comment on written material throughout the year. The first meeting will be scheduled in February.

Any group or individual can submit a nomination, and self-nominations will be accepted. Nominations must include the following information:

The nominee's name, address, email address and telephone number.

Relevant experience, organizational affiliations, and reasons why he or she would be an effective advisory group member.

Nominee's effectiveness in communication.

Name and contact information for any individual or organization submitting a nomination.

Nominations must be received by 5 p.m., Dec. 12. Nominations may be submitted to Randi Thurston, WDFW habitat protection division manager, by mail: 600 Capitol Way N., Olympia, WA, 98501-1091; or by email .

For more information about the Hydraulic Code rules and Hydraulic Project Approval process, see .


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