Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Public comment sought on transportation plan

The Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) invites the public to comment on the draft Southwest Washington Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP). The HSTP is a planning document that identifies the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and people with low incomes. It also provides strategies for meeting these needs, and includes a list of proposed public transportation projects within the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SWRTPO) and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) areas.

The SWRTPO covers a five-county area, including Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific and Wahkiakum counties and includes the cities, transit authorities, tribal governments, port districts and non-profit transit providers within them. The SWRTPO also include members from regional planning agencies, the state and federal Departments of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration and representation from economic development councils. MPO membership includes the cities of Longview, Kelso and Rainier, Oregon as well as River Cities Transit and Columbia County, Oregon Transit Authority. The HSTP was adopted in 2010 and identified public transportation improvements needed through the year 2014. This update will serve as a management and investment guide for the MPO and SWRTPO public transportation systems through the year 2018.

This document is available online at or by request at CWCOG, Admin Annex, 207 North 4th Ave., Kelso, WA 98626 (360) 577-3041. Written comments may be submitted to Matt Buchanan, CWCOG, by mail, email to, or fax to (360) 425-7760. Comments should be received by 5 p.m. on December 14, 2014.


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