To The Eagle:
Mr. Carlsen’s letter is clearly inaccurate and full of unsubstantiated claims.
This is not about saving the Watson home. It is about saving the property of homeowners up and down East Sunny Sands. It is also about saving property on other parts of Puget Island that are or soon will be suffering the same fate.
If Mr. Carlsen took the time to research the issue, attend the county commissioner meetings, talk to his neighbors, and maybe take a walk along the beach, he would be aware that the erosion has extended well beyond where it was the last time the beach was replenished in 2008. He would also be aware that in many cases, the erosion is affecting properties that previously were untouched, taking riverbank and trees with it.
As the current homeowners and members of the Watson family, we take offense to Mr. Carlsen’s personal attack, and are appalled that he would single out our family as the reason for all the activity. When the house was moved off the river, it was placed in a location far from the river’s edge, a location deemed safe from erosion and had nothing to do with the view.
Through the years, the erosion has increased at an exponential rate, caused by larger and faster moving ships, as well as the large scower hole caused by the deteriorating pile dike. Again, if Mr. Carlsen was in attendance at the meeting, he would be aware that the Corps of Engineers has admitted that the pile dike is part of the problem and is in their long term plans to be addressed.
Nobody wants to see an increase in taxes, but if it means saving our property or that of our neighbors, we are willing to pay the price. As Commissioner Dan Cothren made clear at the meeting, we cannot wait for those who caused the problem to step up and take responsibility, but need to band together now and do what it takes and address the immediate need.
Again, this is not about the Watson house, but about the homes of more than 30 property owners who signed letters to our state representatives earlier this year asking for assistance before the situation becomes dire.
Liz (Watson) Norris, Mike Beutler, Puget Island
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