OLYMPIA - Fishery managers in Washington and Oregon are seeking candidates to fill positions on advisory committees that provide guidance on sport and commercial fishing issues on the Columbia and Snake rivers.
The two states’ fish and wildlife departments will accept nominations to their joint advisory groups on Columbia River sport and commercial fisheries through Friday, Nov. 14. The two groups meet three to four times per year to develop recommendations for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and smelt fisheries.
Members are also expected to provide comments on issues addressed by the North of Falcon season-setting process for salmon fisheries, Columbia River Compact commercial fishing hearings and joint state hearings on sportfishing policies.
“Advisory group members provide an important voice for the fishing public,” said Ron Roler, Columbia River policy coordinator for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). “We’re looking for candidates who can fill that essential role.”
Up to 16 candidates will be chosen for each advisory group, which together represent all aspects of the Northwest fishing industry, Roler said.
Any group or individual may submit a nomination. Nominations should include the following information: A resume with contact information and a statement that describes the nominee's fishing experience, interest in serving on the committee and ability to communicate with regional constituents.
Nominations can be submitted to WDFW by mail at 2108 Grand Blvd, Vancouver, WA 98661, by FAX at (360) 906-6776, or by email to TeamVancouver@dfw.wa.gov.
For more information on nominations to the sportfishing advisory group, see http://wdfw.wa.gov/about/advisory/nominations/columbia_river_rec.pdf . For more information on nominations to the commercial fishing advisory group, see http://wdfw.wa.gov/about/advisory/nominations/columbia_river_comm.pdf.
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